Example sentences of "[prep] [art] few [adj] moments " in BNC.

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1 But Connery 's antics up in the rainforest canopy at least provide one of the few effective moments in the otherwise slow-moving , uninspired Green adventure Medicine Man ( Guild , PG , out now ) .
2 It was one of the few bright moments in her hardworking life .
3 For a few anxious moments Franco thought he was dead but he came round within a minute or so although he remained in a semi-conscious state .
4 She paused for a few thoughtful moments , then said quietly , ‘ I ca n't help wondering about the next owner . ’
5 And Morse did the same , feeling for a few small moments an intense and splendid happiness .
6 Somewhere ahead in the crags of Kielderhead Moor a hawk was whistling , a piercing sound in the lonely valley , overlain for a few heart-stopping moments by the snarl of a jet .
7 Refusing ( at least in the domain of leisure ) to deploy power over the self ; to escape , for a few blissful moments , the network of meaning and concern .
8 There was wild thyme growing up here too , and as she lay back for a few blissful moments ' rest its delicate perfume assailed Robbie 's nostrils — another sensory memory to be stored away , she thought wistfully .
9 For a few terrible moments they saw it all , and cowered , covering their eyes .
10 She leaned back against him , revelling in the strength and warmth of his body , allowing herself for a few luxurious moments the unaccustomed joy of feeling secure in his embrace .
11 Sometimes the German fighters followed the bombers back to their bases , and then when they saw the flare path light up for a few brief moments to guide the homecoming aircraft down , they would open up with their guns .
12 For a few brief moments Carnelian 's face might have been that of a Polymorphine shape-shifter viewed at fast-forward speed passing through absurdly accelerated transformations .
13 For a few brief moments he reared and plunged on the bed , grunting like an animal , until his lust emptied itself into her .
14 For a few brief moments he 'd been able to forget the room and the bizarre encampment and Hennessy at his elbow , and he 'd conversed in a language that came to him now almost as readily as his first ; he 'd conversed with a dark-eyed alien .
15 For a few brief moments she 'd actually managed to persuade herself that there was some kind of special rapport between herself and the man who had kissed her in the semi-darkness with such tender passion .
16 I lay on the ground for a few more moments , then continued on my way through the trees in the direction of Brigade Headquarters , pondering on the likely thoughts of Colonel Peter Young and his three Officers back there on the hill .
17 He studied the English copy for a few more moments before dropping it into the shredder .
18 ‘ Comm 's working , ’ she said , and listened to it for a few more moments .
19 Brookside ( 7 million ) is so seeped in worthy but heavy storylines that there is a definite need for a few lighter moments .
20 For a few horrible moments I thought the motor would n't fire , but after several pulls it caught , then I just hooked my overnight bag over one shoulder , took the tiller and made for the shore , which looked so close that I felt I could have swum across . ’
21 For a few silent moments this does n't click into place .
22 Liz and Owen were clearly making good progress , and , apart from a few tearful moments , the twins had happily settled down , regarding their trips to the hospital as part of their daily routine .
23 I watched the Land-Rover grind its way up the track till a turn of the glen hid it from sight , and in a few more moments the sound of its engine had faded to silence .
24 In a few more moments this love scene would have reached the point of no return .
25 If you 're planning on a few intimate moments then why not try new Santes anti-perspirant deodorants .
26 This was a difficulty which Mrs Thatcher , though far more able , intelligent and industrious than Kinnock , failed except at a few critical moments , to surmount .
27 Any of these difficulties can be avoided by a few patient moments of study with the clear and concise instructions that come with the Diamond stunters .
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