Example sentences of "[prep] [art] present [noun] it " in BNC.

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1 These notions of the automatisation of processes which no longer require close monitoring are described in more detail in Underwood ( 1982 ) , but for the present purposes it is sufficient to note that attention can only be devoted to higher-level activities , such as comprehension , when lower-level activities have become skilled through practice .
2 Mr. Croucher replied that under the present law it was up to the applicant to notify other people of their intention in writing .
3 That raises matters principle because under the present law it is a public very large vehicle which has to be alert .
4 It is also interesting to note that , when Labour was last in power , the combined contribution to the national insurance scheme by an employee earning £52 a week and his employer was £10.40 , while under the present Government it is £3.43 .
5 Under the present circumstances it could equally well have been me or Quigley .
6 The same day , Mobutu warned the conference against this course , asserting in a statement read on national radio that under the present Constitution it was for him to appoint the head of government .
7 But in the present case it appears that there was no sufficient evidence .
8 But in the present case it is contrary to fair play for Mr. Tully to prevent the plaintiffs from recovering damages caused by wrongdoing inflicted on Abbey .
9 Accordingly , in the present case it would have been , I think , impossible for the solicitors , however careful they had been , to make an assessment which accurately reflected the remuneration which would have been paid to them and to counsel after the matter had been considered under the arrangements provided by the legal aid board .
10 In the present case it is not even averred that the defendants knew of the pregnancy of the plaintiff 's mother when they received her as a passenger ; it is merely averred that in fact she was then quick with child , viz. with the plaintiff , to whom she subsequently gave birth .
11 In the present case it is alleged that Pantell S.A. has contravened sections 47 , 56 and 57 .
12 ‘ In the judgment of this court it would be difficult , and in the present case it is unnecessary , to reduce within specific limits the general terms in which the duties of police constables have been expressed .
13 But in the present case it was time to take a stand , to declare once and for all that on this occasion at least the truth was as obvious and evident as it appeared to be .
14 In the present case it is in my judgment clearly established by the evidence , first , that the plaintiff had a belief at all material times that she was going to receive both the cottage and the remainder of the deceased 's property on his death , and secondly , that this belief was encouraged by the deceased .
15 In the present case it is conceded that Mrs Mountford is entitled to exclusive possession and is not a lodger .
16 The court accepted that in certain circumstances information about prices could be invested with a sufficient degree of confidentiality to make that information a business secret or its equivalent but in the present case it found factors which led it to the conclusion that neither the information about the prices nor the sales information as a whole had the degree of confidentiality necessary to support the plaintiff 's claim .
17 In the present circumstances it is enough that we help each other , neh ? ’
18 During the development of modern phonetics in the present century it was for a long time hoped that scientific study of intonation would make it possible to state what the function of each different aspect of intonation was , and that foreign learners could then be taught rules to enable them to use intonation in the way that native speakers use it .
19 In the present decade it is thought more important that they should be " boys " ; rumbustious behaviour is approved rather than disapproved .
20 In the present climate it is hard to see the function of strikes except in public-sector monopolies .
21 In the present climate it is not just a matter of professional duty to stay engaged with the possibility of change : it makes better sense .
22 In the present climate it appears that for teachers to be thinking about their own educational ideals is at the very least a waste of time , and more than likely an additional source of upset .
23 Unfortunately , in the present study it was only possible to make comparisons among symptomatic children , because ethical constraints precluded measurement of UOS pressure from children who were well .
24 In the present context it has usually been used to mean acuity dominance , that is , superior acuity in one eye , or sighting dominance , the tendency to use one particular eye in preference to the other during monocular viewing .
25 However , in the present context it is important to make two points of continuing concern .
26 It is , in fact , in twelfth-century Latin comoediae and some thirteenth-century Old French works that one finds the most convincing examples of works composed for performance of this kind ; in the present context it is particularly interesting to note that Edmond Faral identified as Anglo-Latin comedies the two extant twelfth-century comoediae written entirely in dialogue .
27 However , it has been suggested that on the present basis it would take 46 years to clear the backlog in housing disrepair …
28 I did do that along with Ron and er they were speaking in terms of er a conjurer at under a pound a time and thing of that nature which should then come to a the pensioner 's category at Poole , so I took it back to Stuart and he said oh see what I can do Norman , and at the present moment it rests there because I have n't been able to contact Stuart at the moment owed to the holiday , but I shall be contacting him and hopefully we will also be doing two days , which is the Tuesday and the Thursday , also what they , er , he 's , he 's promised to do is to come half way with the cost of the jazz band , which is a great help .
29 Well at the present moment it 's about , where he is it 's about half past five , twenty to six , so he is probably waiting for his supper I should think his evening meal .
30 I think it true to say that at the present time it is not at all difficult for academics to appear in print .
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