Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [num ord] days [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Similarly , Mr Yeltsin , like Mr Gorbachev , was born into a peasant family during the calamitous 1930s and came to political maturity during the first days of Khrushchev , when hope began to dawn after Stalin 's long night .
2 During the first days of that Holy Week Mrs Abigail continued to believe that she could not endure a marriage that was a travesty , and that she could no longer endure life in Dynmouth .
3 She had not exactly been reading Tennyson but had remembered John quoting one of his poems during the first days of their acquaintance .
4 Aurel Dragos Munteanu , appointed director of Romanian Television and Radio during the first days of the December revolution , resigned on Feb. 9 after widespread public criticism that he had manipulated broadcasting to benefit the NSF .
5 Nowhere seemed to be safe from the searching French guns ; during the first days of March one regiment lost more men while behind the lines in reserve than during its assault on Haumont Wood the first day of the offensive .
6 There was the commander of the Cigognes , Captain Brocard , wounded during the first days of the fighting at Verdun , and relieved of his command the following year — because he simply could not adapt to the new conditions of air warfare the old form of single combat that had brought the Cigognes such renown in the early days .
7 Another tom did the same thing , supplying his female with food while she was unable to leave the nest during the first days after producing her litter .
8 It is kin , often , who provide shelter during the first days in the town and who help the migrant build his/her own home .
9 I certainly feel it was a great delight to him during the last days of his life . ’
10 If he did not go quite so far as Eric Linklater in believing that what Mary was doing down at Kirk o' Field during the last days of Darnley 's life in February 1567 was indulging a ‘ womanly zeal for nursing ’ , he certainly had no doubt of her innocence .
11 During the last days of May 1967 the United States reached an understanding with Israel , clearing the way for the latter 's attack on Egypt on 5 June 1967 .
12 I certainly feel it was a great delight to him during the last days of his life . ’
13 After operations against the Caroline Islands in June 1945 , 1771 's Mk 1s were involved in strikes on the Japanese mainland during the last days of the war — hence the map .
14 When , not long before his execution , he passed comment on the mass-murder of the Nazi camps , it was only to point out that there were problems in supply and control during the last days of the Third Reich .
15 William , Lord Herbert , showed a similar anxiety during the last days of his father , the second Earl of Pembroke , in 1601 .
16 During the last days of Knight 's governorship there was a significant change within the central management of the AFPFL .
17 Although this is partly a result of lower market share during the last days of The Sunday Correspondent , the IoS has made ground while its rival The Observer has not .
18 He sailed for Algiers in March 1943 and during the last days of the Tunisian campaign he saw a mere fortnight 's active service .
19 However , the appointment was made unilaterally by the USA , which during the last days of the Noriega regime had rejected a Panamanian proposal to appoint Tomás Altamirano Duque .
20 The remains of the king and his father had been removed on Aug. 16 from Burg Hohenzollern at Hechingen , near Stuttgart , where they had been placed in 1952 — having been recovered from Nazi hands during the last days of the Second World War .
21 The predominant adverse effects after the first days of therapy were fatigue ( 73% ) , myalgia ( 60% ) , anorexia ( 43% ) , irritability ( 30% ) , and hair loss ( 15% ) .
22 It was his decision , for example , to shift a military pay day to 29 September , one of the last days of fiscal 1989 , from 1 October , the beginning of fiscal 1990 .
23 The great danger of the last days of the campaign is that those voters who wish to punish the Tories , but do not want Labour , may not understand the situation .
24 Mark has arranged the events of the last days of Jesus into a one-week period .
25 This happened on the film set of The Last Days of Dolwyn — Burton 's celluloid debut in a part written especially for him .
26 And there is Gregory 's account of Guntram warning Childebert over the behaviour of Egidius , which is placed immediately before his description of the last days of Gundovald .
27 She wrote to us about it , it was like the first days in Britain except the weather was much better .
28 With the first days of the war came another change , a retrograde one this time , in the way Barham House was managed .
29 Parliament was dissolved on March 16 , with the last days of business occupied almost exclusively with the Finance Bill which incorporated the fiscal measures announced in the budget .
30 She came to England to stay with a sister , went to acting school in London and through a teacher who knew how to persuade Emlyn Williams , was all but smuggled into The Last Days of Dolwyn as the sixth girl extra ‘ when only five had been budgeted for .
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