Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [det] months [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In this way the youngsters make it clear that they are not yet mature enough to be considered rivals for territories or breeding partners and are allowed to feed on the reef beside their parents for the several months that it takes them to grow to maturity .
2 But we want to review it after a few months because as I say , once she 's got herself organized , it might be alright .
3 After a few months though he seemed to accept the situation .
4 She left after a few months and had a home tutor .
5 Although change in weight is very noticeable after a few months or a year , it simply is not detectable by just looking at physical shape on a daily basis .
6 He designed and built it specially for his wife because she 'd always wanted to live by the river , but she only had time to enjoy it for a few months before she died .
7 There is no reason why you should not have a weekly reward for remaining the same weight , at least for a few months after you have attained your ideal shape .
8 He told Lisa that before the operation , and for a few months after , she would have to wear a steel frame pinned to her head and connected to a rigid plaster jacket to hold her damaged neck in place .
9 Her boyfriend , having disappeared during her pregnancy , returned and acted like a concerned father for a few months after the baby was born , even coming to live in Joanne 's house , but then left as suddenly as he had come , and all the family feel very bitter about this .
10 The acute depression lasted for a few months but the wounds healed enough for Gedge to build up a friendship with Duane , whose latent qualities he later recognised .
11 ‘ I had not worked for a few months so I was ready to do something , ’ is how he explains his reasons for doing it .
12 Before the 1965 Immigration Act , Mirpuri and Bengali families would send their sons to England for a few months or a few years at a time .
13 There are some reprieved murderers whom it is right to release on licence after very short periods of imprisonment ( for example , a mother who kills an imbecile child from merciful motives ) , and it would be undesirable in such cases for a court publicly to pass a sentence of imprisonment for a few months or for a year or two , and thereby to create the impression that the taking of human life may in certain circumstances be no graver a crime than theft .
14 Another method of birth control must be used for a few months until two consecutive tests show there are no sperm left .
15 The regime thus charged him with damage of government property and jailed him for a few months until he was released under a general amnesty .
16 I could let you have it for a few months until you get sorted out . ’
17 He will stay on in a consultancy role for a few months until his successor settles into the job .
18 Some of the young calves are fattened on the farms but many are reared for a few months and then sold for fattening in central or eastern Britain .
19 After we had been constantly studying the sky for a few months and getting the feel of things , we did tend to develop a sixth sense regarding the weather , a bit like farmers .
20 Nancy Ball had only been with Hugo for a few months and it was much longer than that since Harriet had visited him at the office .
21 They would stay for a few months and go back .
22 Children with considerable learning problems were removed from mainstream classes for a few months and taught by a specially appointed additional teacher .
23 With great reluctance , Reagan bowed to pressure from his advisers and compromised the Kemp-Roth principle somewhat by agreeing that the first cut should be delayed for a few months and reduced to 5 per cent in the first year with 10 per cent cuts in years two and three .
24 I had been in Styal for a few months and I kept putting in for an open prison , but they kept saying no .
25 I always turn them upside down or against the wall for a few months and then I might become curious and look again .
26 ‘ Timothy , four , has been learning cello for a few months and loves it . ’
27 The opening ‘ The Basement ’ is most disturbing , Blood explaining what can happen when your parents go away for a few months and leave you with your crippled sister : ‘ It started out with spankings with the neighbour looking on/She paid her daughter 's boyfriend who would whip me all night long … ’
28 I thought I would get a job there but I could n't for a few months and er , my wife and two children joined me there and my brother 's wife joined us there , and two of us bought the house in Luton .
29 In this case , leave it for a few months and try going again later .
30 The opening ‘ The Basement ’ is most disturbing , Blood explaining what can happen when your parents go away for a few months and leave you with your crippled sister : ‘ It started out with spankings with the neighbour looking on/She paid her daughter 's boyfriend who would whip me all night long … ’
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