Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [det] days [prep] " in BNC.

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31 ON ONE of the few days with sunshine recently I was shambling through Cavendish Square in the West End of London .
32 Over a period of a few days during early August the world 's perception of the Kingdom shifted dramatically , so that King Hussein was no longer portrayed as one of the chief US allies in the region , but instead as one of Saddam Hussein 's prime collaborators .
33 We flew back to Mahe and straight on to Praslin for a stay of a few days with the intention of taking day-trips to the smaller islands of Cousin and La Digue .
34 ( It was only a matter of a few days before a faster one appeared . )
35 What you need is a break or a holiday so count your pennies and weigh up your chances of a few days in the sun or short spell staying with friends .
36 Meanwhile the end of the German campaign in Yugoslavia and Greece meant that many of the Luftwaffe units employed there were now being posted elsewhere , some of these stopping off in Sicily for a few days on their way back to Germany and undertaking a few missions over Malta .
37 In April the Prince went off to the Kalahari Desert for a few days with Sir Laurens Van der Post , to see for himself the society that his friend had written and talked about so much .
38 My mother went on an outing for a few days with the Blind Club .
39 But this means that the soil for seed-sowing can be done simply by covering a patch for a few days with a sheet of polythene anchored by bricks or stones — in the absence , of course , of cloches .
40 His raw material consists of Stephen Fry playing Stephen Fry thinly disguised as a throw-back aristo who decides to share his recently inherited stately pile for a few days with his old friends from revue days .
41 One day before we had moved up there I was at the melin for a few days with an actress friend from London when I announced my attendance at a jumble sale that afternoon .
42 He was to have joined me this week , but his train met with an accident , so he 's been detained for a few days with an injured ankle .
43 John went over to Mosquito Island where he has established James for a few days with a government tent , man and fitting-up .
44 ‘ Oh — it 's my son — he 's got cystic fibrosis , and my wife 's gone away for a few days with a friend for a break .
45 Then he covered it up quickly with a look of studied indifference ( very unconvincing ) and mumbled some nonsense about you being in hospital for a few days for a check-up .
46 While Agassi and Sampras , with supreme pre-final confidence , had flown home from Frankfurt after the ATP Finals for a few days of relaxation in Florida before returning to Europe , Noah had taken his squad off to a Swiss tennis resort , where they trained for 6 hours a day , offered themselves for 30 minutes daily to the press for customary grilling and focussed wholly on the task in hand .
47 My boyfriend at the time , two friends and I , decided to kick around the Loch Tay area for a few days between Christmas and New Year , since the only decent hotel we could find open was the Ledcreich Hotel at Balquhidder .
48 ‘ This young lad was getting people to mind Sam for a few days at a time .
49 I am staying for a few days at the Dale End Hotel while I explore the district , and I 'd like to know about the Brownies ' Bridge , as I am to do with Brownies . ’
50 For a few days at the beginning of August 1920 , it was widely believed that the Government was preparing to send a new British Expeditionary Force to relieve the Polish Army .
51 Initially for a few days at a time , then for weeks , and eventually whole months .
52 ‘ I 'll stay for a few days at least — if she can put up with me . ’
53 Many mums who have apparently short labours have actually been gently dilating for a few days without realising it and without having any of the other traditional ‘ signs ’ of labour : a ‘ show ’ as the plug to the cervix is expelled , waters breaking or the first contractions .
54 Green water of a consistency like pea soup is familiar to most pool owners , for even in well established pools this condition may occur for a few days during early spring when the water is warmed by the sun , so algae appears before the submerged oxygenating plants have had a chance to start growing again .
55 Jack and Alison were going for a few days to Amsterdam .
56 He was less prominent in the action than William Craig and he felt sufficiently distanced from it to be able to absent himself for a few days in the first week of the strike when he went to Canada to attend a funeral .
57 However luck was not with us for , as a reward for jumping in the intervals of appalling freezing fog , he got flu as a Christmas present and was delayed for a few days in hospital at Ringway .
58 Paddy Mayne 's veteran A Squadron returned from the Great Sand Sea to Kufra for a few days in mid-November , having successfully raided airfields around Gazala , familiar territory from the past .
59 Wallington notes that road-blocks ‘ were widely used , especially within and on access roads to Nottinghamshire , but also elsewhere — notably ( for a few days in March 1984 ) at the south entrance to the Dartford tunnel .
60 I was very happy at Emmanuel Church and the University Congregational Society , and it is a joy for my husband Michael and me that we are still in touch with so many friends from CongSoc , and in fact some of us still meet every year for a few days in the Lake District .
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