Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [det] [conj] similar " in BNC.

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1 Consequently very different prices can be and are charged for the same or similar things .
2 Sometimes differences in terminology are merely the use of different words for the same or similar groups ( such a ‘ West Indian ’ and ‘ Afro-Caribbean ’ ) ; at other times , different sets of terms refer to different classifications and different ways of classifying .
3 At the moment , trade marks may be registered in individual countries but there are moves to develop an integrated European system although this will present difficulties as the same or similar marks may already be registered in different countries by different proprietors .
4 Repetition of the same or similar ground can be stopped by a gentle reminder , followed by asking why it is that a particular story or incident is so important .
5 I am confident that these different-looking species of Synodontis will get on together , whereas two of the same or similar species may not .
6 A group of operators ( note , these are people with extensive experience of the same or similar tasks , not the unskilled performer normally used in human performance experiments ) run through a task using this equipment .
7 Order is associated with regularity and uniformity , that is with repetitions of the same or similar elements .
8 ( 1 ) ( a ) A licensing board shall refuse an application of the type described in subsection ( 2 ) below if it finds that one or more of the following grounds for refusal , being competent grounds , applies to it ( in ) that the applicant , or the person on whose behalf or for whose benefit the applicant will manage the premises or , in the case of an application to which section 11 of this Act applies , the applicant or the employee or agent named in the application is not a fit and proper person to be the holder of a licence ; ( b ) that the premises to which an application relates are not suitable or convenient for the sale of alcoholic liquor , having regard to their location , their character and condition , the nature and extent of the proposed use of the premises , and the persons likely to resort to the premises ; ( c ) that the use of the premises for the sale of alcoholic liquor is likely to cause undue public nuisance , or a threat to public order and safety ; ( d ) that , having regard to the facilities of the same or similar kind already available in the locality , or to facilities of the same or similar kind , in respect of which the provisional grant of a new licence is in force , which are to be provided in the locality , the grant of an application would result in the Over-provision of such facilities ; and otherwise shall grant the application .
9 ( 1 ) ( a ) A licensing board shall refuse an application of the type described in subsection ( 2 ) below if it finds that one or more of the following grounds for refusal , being competent grounds , applies to it ( in ) that the applicant , or the person on whose behalf or for whose benefit the applicant will manage the premises or , in the case of an application to which section 11 of this Act applies , the applicant or the employee or agent named in the application is not a fit and proper person to be the holder of a licence ; ( b ) that the premises to which an application relates are not suitable or convenient for the sale of alcoholic liquor , having regard to their location , their character and condition , the nature and extent of the proposed use of the premises , and the persons likely to resort to the premises ; ( c ) that the use of the premises for the sale of alcoholic liquor is likely to cause undue public nuisance , or a threat to public order and safety ; ( d ) that , having regard to the facilities of the same or similar kind already available in the locality , or to facilities of the same or similar kind , in respect of which the provisional grant of a new licence is in force , which are to be provided in the locality , the grant of an application would result in the Over-provision of such facilities ; and otherwise shall grant the application .
10 See Khan v. City of Glasgow District Licensing Board , 1980 S.L.T. ( Sh.Ct. ) 49 for consideration of the same or similar facilities in the locality .
11 For further discussion of " facilities of the same or similar kind " , see Collins v. Hamilton District Licensing Board , 1984 S.L.T. 230 , where it was held that it is the facilities which have to be the same or similar , not the type of licence .
12 The real difficulty about this type of individual help is that it may provide immediate relief but not necessarily the understanding to cope with the same or similar situations in the future .
13 Eight potentially matching people with the same or similar names but missing or incomplete dates of birth were eliminated as true matches after thorough cross checking .
14 Synonyms , or terms with the same or similar meanings , are present in every subject area .
15 The rest of this chapter will constitute an attempt to explain by means of this hypothesis the various uses of these two forms where they both occur with the same or similar full verbs .
16 But the incidence of cancer among paranoid schizophrenics in the same or similar institutions eating the same or similar American diet is higher than that of the normal population ( Simonton et al .
17 It does n't have to be from the same range , but the pieces should have something in common — such as being in the same or similar wood or style , having the same upholstery fabric or the same colour .
18 While each individual futures position may be highly risky , holding both long and short positions in the same or similar assets means that most of these risks cancel out because of the strong negative correlation in the profits from the two positions .
19 However , if artistic representations of my experience are to do more than merely reflect a personal trauma , it is imperative that the work connect with the common experiences of other women in the same or similar situations .
20 However , in other parts of the world , birds have responded differently to the same or similar tests .
21 When phrases of the text are repeated or thrown from voice to voice , they may or may not be set to the same or similar melodic phrase ; imitation is free and texturally loose ; metrical symmetry is at a discount .
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