Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] [noun pl] committee " in BNC.

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1 These were incorporated into a re-drafted constitution for the Rural Areas Committee and discussed further by professor Barker , Chairman of the Cambridge Board and the Rural Areas Committee , with Elvin and Green .
2 The carers are meeting at County Hall , Chester this morning to lobby councillors arriving for the Social Services Committee .
3 ‘ I am only sorry that my requests for the Public Accounts Committee to investigate royal travel costs as well as the cost of the royal palaces was not agreed to . ’
4 Whether that happens ultimately will be a matter for the Public Accounts Committee to judge .
5 They are known by letters for which we have provided suitable mnemonics : ‘ A ’ ( the Accounting Committee ) deals with Budget and Finance as well as Trade and External Relations ; ‘ B ’ ( the Blazing Committee ) deals with energy and technology as well as transport ; ‘ C ’ ( the Caring Committee ) scrutinizes consumer and social affairs ; ‘ D ’ ( the Digging Committee ) is responsible for agriculture ; ‘ F ’ , the Environmental Committee is named the ‘ Friends of the Earth ’ ; Sub-Committee E ( Law and Institutions ) is traditionally chaired by a Law Lord — formerly by Lord Oliver of Aylmerton and now by Lord Slynn of Hadley — and is known as the Legal Eagles Committee .
6 As the Public Accounts Committee of the House of Commons had demonstrated , however , neither the Government nor the health authorities had accurate information on the exact numbers employed or any sensible means of controlling numbers .
7 Val Stephens , the Chair of the Equal Opportunities Committee , and the late Margaret Roff , the lesbian Vice-Chair , shared the concern of local activists about the dangers of bureaucratizing the struggle against oppression .
8 The Political Parties Tribunal , a special court acting under the auspices of the Supreme Administrative Court , on April 14 overturned an earlier decision of the chairman of the Political Affairs Committee and approved the formation of three new political parties : the Green Party , the Democratic Unionist Party and the Young Egypt Party ( Misr al-Fatah ) .
9 A SOFTLY SOFTLY APPROACH Technical excellence is the continuing aim of the Professional Standards Committee
10 Such changes re-emphasised the advantages of the Professional Standards Committee 's role .
11 Chris Hordern is a member of Council and chairman of the Professional Standards Committee
12 So people of General P members of the General Purposes Committee , go down and have a look at the bridge , have a look at the southern end , where there is a a wooden plank , which actually prevents this sort of activity , on the southern end , but not on the northern end .
13 Can I suggest that those members of the General Purposes Committee who are going to look at that area anyway , also have a look at the me the problems of , of this bank side , which is actually collapsing , er due to the weight of , of people .
14 The chairman qualifies for election to the Physical Sciences Board as an official member , and , if elected , is a member of the General Purposes Committee of that board .
15 By 1701 he was serving as chairman of the influential elections committee , and was even talked of as a possible Speaker .
16 He has served on several Law Society committees , was Chair of the Young Solicitors Group , and Chair of the International Relations Committee from 1983 to 1987 .
17 A committee of the International Olympics Committee ( IOC ) has been to see if the changes qualify the country for readmission .
18 In 1981 , the same year as retired from working life , he was elected to Metropolitan County Council , eventually becoming Chair of the prestigious Personnel Committee .
19 In the case of college organised events a SCOTVEC officer attended and the Council nominated a member of the Advanced Courses Committee and an industrial or professional specialist .
20 In December 1974 the Democratic caucus in the House took the momentous step of agreeing to an automatic secret ballot election for all committee chairmen and went on to remove W. R. Poage , the chairman of the Agriculture Committee , F. Edward Hebert , chairman of the Armed Services Committee , and Wright Patman of the Banking Committee
21 An early example of the recognition of the residual problem was afforded by the setting up of the Unhealthy Areas Committee by Addison in 1919 .
22 There is no automatic membership of the relevant Commons committees — let alone votes — for MEPs as there is in Bonn and elsewhere .
23 MANY travellers from British regions have to go to Holland to pick up inter-continental flights , Mr David Spooner , chairman of the Joint Airports Committee of Local Authority Airports , said yesterday .
24 Pat Clark , chairman of the new allotments committee , was asked about facilities at the site .
25 I hope that achieving that capacity will be one of the priorities of the new police committee .
26 The report called for a major debate each year on this White Paper and recommended the creation of a new public Expenditure Select Committee to take the place of the former Estimates Committee .
27 At the meeting er , of the Financial Resources Committee that I attended on Wednesday the first thing we discussed was the er the giving so far , up to the end of February from the various provinces and we , by the end of February er , the total was up to thirty thousand pounds less than we required er which could mean that the end of the year it could be a hundred and eighty thousand pounds less than required but er of all the
28 The other major difficulty over the appointment of tutors and approval of syllabuses for classes and courses in the rural areas scheme was resolved by Professor Barker and Green who agreed that each providing body would submit for the information of the Rural Areas Committee its own approved panel of tutors and syllabuses of approved courses .
29 In 1941 , the constitution of the Rural Areas Committee was finally approved .
30 When introducing the final version of the constitution of the Rural Areas Committee in 1941 , Professor Barker as its Chairman confessed :
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