Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] thousand [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Now I do n't think that 's right , fair or democratic and if we 've shied away from it for years handling this issue and now we 're in the position where this house has total responsibility for the thirty thousand citizens in total of Gibralt it 's not the electorate , the total population , thirty thousand and we continued to deny them vote yet they are citizens of the European union under our own legislation and accepted as such by the European parliament and it is wholly wrong Mr Deputy Speaker that the boundaries that we 're discussing in this bill were not drawn so that and it could easily have been done , that we could have incorporated the twenty odd thousand European union citizens of Gibraltar who do wish to be part of Spain and wo n't be for fifty years or more until it 's been a democracy that long , but to give them the right to vote .
2 For the first thousand feet there was nothing ; then a couple of private duels ; then a sprawling mêlée of about twenty aircraft spread over half a mile of sky .
3 But it was also an explicitly Christian spirit — unfortunate therefore for the four thousand Jews and for the tiny but now increasing numbers of Hindus , Buddhists , Muslims , and Taoists .
4 The form for the Two Thousand Guineas kept them going .
5 Yes , most people pay to come to NCT classes , and excellent value they are too , for the few thousand parents we manage to teach each year .
6 I mean , they move into a mansion , they 'll need both salaries for the next thousand years ! ’
7 But the trouble with climate modification of the sort imposed by the greenhouse effect is that it does not move naturally to a new , warmer status quo which will remain undisturbed for the next thousand years or so .
8 L and T have promised to keep to their obligations , the covenants , for the whole period of their lease — which may of course be for the next thousand years .
9 Which Councils — more often than not called synods during the first thousand years — were ecumenical was determined not by the pope , but by their reception in the Church at large .
10 In our Galaxy , only four have been seen during the last thousand years : in 1006 , 1054 , 1572 and 1604 , but there is no knowing when we will see another .
11 As a consequence , very little is known about the first thousand years of Imperial history .
12 you 'd need to get through the six thousand flies .
13 Still , the tracers had to start at the beginning , their call-finder mechanism racing frantically through the twenty thousand numbers on the exchange .
14 Whether personal acrimony stimulated Loder can only be surmise , but it is certainly likely that Bill Saxby , jocked off Craganour after the Two Thousand Guineas , would not be bending over backwards to support that horse 's cause in the enquiry in which , as rider of Louvois , he was called to give evidence .
15 Maybe after a few thousand years of marmot for breakfast , dinner and tea they fancied a change .
16 They 've collected some of the six thousand signatures on a petition which was handed in to Downing Street .
17 Fresh water from the recently flooded east coast of Australia is heading towards Lake Eyre , but this will take months to arrive and it 'll be too late for many of the thirty thousand chicks in the colony .
18 Some of the thirty thousand workers employed at the Midlands plants , incensed by the idleness forced on them by the Merseysiders and alarmed at the bleak prospect ahead , stormed through the streets to Clem Bunker 's regional office demanding action to get the Merseyside plants back to work .
19 In fact Sir Christopher only used the plan for guidance and much of the one thousand acres of trees that he planted was the result of his own great vision .
20 He had apparently been a most unlucky loser of the Two Thousand Guineas at Newmarket , when the judge Charles Robinson had called Louvois the winner despite the conviction of most people present that Craganour , finishing on the other side of the course from his rival , had held on .
21 I have my breakfast to cook and today 's the day of the Two Thousand Guineas , I ca n't keep my mind on everything at the one time . "
22 And if y if of the five thousand pounds , for an extreme example , four thousand pounds of car expenses , he 'd ask you in and say hello , what sort of car have you got then ?
23 as if the happenings of the last thousand years had been impregnated in the massive stone walls , and could begin a phantom replay at any moment …
24 She is Isis of the ten thousand names : obey her will , and the earth will become whole again .
25 Much of the three thousand tonnes of charcoal he imports every year comes from mangrove swamps near the Indonesian coast .
26 ‘ This will give you an idea of the property , ’ he said , then , with one hand resting upon her shoulder , he pointed out the farmland area with its manager 's house and men 's quarters , the main homestead and four chalets , and the bush area adjoining the far end of the three thousand acres .
27 Wilfred Thesiger surveys some of the 25 thousand photographs which represent a lifetime 's travels .
28 But that rescue mission had been stopped dead by the presence of the twenty thousand Frenchmen encamped in Frasnes who had been sent by the Emperor to make sure that the allied armies did not combine .
29 The plan is that none of these people will be able to purchase any of the seven thousand tickets available to England for the first round matches .
30 The thought of the twenty-five thousand pounds he had pledged in the belief that he was getting a skilled crew left her too daunted to frame a suitably crushing reply .
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