Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun] following the " in BNC.

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1 Adaptation was not due to some sort of learned mechanism involving conscious correction of pointing , because there was a significant difference after adaptation between aim while wearing prisms and that for normal vision following the removal of the prisms .
2 The more significant the contribution of the dead person , the more powerfully the grief has to be shown , even if it means , as in some eastern countries , hiring women to act as professional mourners following the funeral procession , weeping and wailing .
3 Many political prisoners who had been sentenced to death or life imprisonment after unfair trials following the 1980 coup will continue to serve sentences of up to 20 years .
4 Member firms became profitable again in 1989 after heavy losses following the crash of 1987 .
5 D&B Inc has hired Fred Newall , former vice president of NCR Europe , to head-up its European operations as vice president following the departure of Pierre Donaldson .
6 The shooting is seen as retaliatory action following the murders of three Roman Catholic civilians by the UFF and UVF last week .
7 They claimed to be victims of political persecution following the military crackdown on student protesters .
8 All this , of course , is during a time of exaggerated relief following the Pleistocene glaciation .
9 The move was seen to be due to the normalization of church-state relations following the establishment of the Solidarity-led government .
10 The radiation of marine faunas following the massive end-Palaeozoic extinctions was a long-continuing , progressive phenomenon , but was marked by a pulse of acceleration and replacement in the mid-Cretaceous , with diversity increase continuing into the Cainozoic ( Fig. 18.6 ) .
11 In any event , the value of such a provision would depend upon the availability of distributable reserves following the breach .
12 On June 22 Tokonye Kotelo , hitherto high commissioner in Kenya , was named as Minister of Foreign Affairs following the resignation of Capt. Pius Molapo ; on June 23 Chief Mohlalefi Bereng was sworn in as the Minister of Interior , Chieftaincy Affairs and Rural Development , replacing Kgotsi Matete ; three other Cabinet changes were made on June 29 .
13 Which factors are most likely to limit the spread of liberal democracy following the end of the Cold War ?
14 Letty knocked and glancing up Emily saw a slight figure with a mass of dark hair following the maid into the room .
15 The state of emergency imposed throughout the country on Feb. 28 , 1989 , the second day of violent unrest following the introduction on Feb. 16 of an economic austerity programme [ see pp. 36459-60 ] , was lifted on March 9 , 1989 .
16 He watched the first few matches tee off , then joined the trickle of early spectators following the Red route round the course .
17 The influence of serious complications following the operation .
18 The Independent of Oct. 15 cited eyewitness reports of four anti-Chinese protests in Lhasa despite tight security following the alleged killing of a Buddhist monk by police during a protest in September .
19 1885 , an annus mirabilis of sexual politics , was also the year of the expansion of the electorate , fears of national decline following the defeat of General Gordon , anxieties about the future of Ireland , and all this in the context of a socialist revival and feminist agitation .
20 Best of Opposite Sex Following the selection of Best of Breed and Best of Winners , all the winners of the opposite sex to Best of Breed remain in the ring .
21 In the period of technological innovation following the second world war a group of human relations specialists , working from the Tavistock Institute in London , noted that the social behaviour of workers and their organisational structure in groups and teams was influenced by the technical systems associated with that work .
22 Mr Foster said Solace welcomed opportunities , challenges and the raising of environmental awareness following the Earth Summit in Brazil .
23 A second supplement to the notice , United Nations Act 1946 : Serbia and Montenegro of 8 June 1992 , giving details of revised arrangements following the tightening of sanctions , was issued by the Bank of England .
24 In the educational sphere , for example , he points to the uniformity of local education authorities in adopting a tripartite system of secondary education following the 1944 Education Act .
25 Tension escalated in Kurdish areas of south-eastern Turkey following the torture and murder on July 7-8 of Vedat Aydin , 36 , a Kurdish human rights activist and local chairman of the People 's Labour Party ( HEP ) .
26 During his last years he was involved in a bitter and ramified dispute with Edmund , Earl of Cornwall , in the defence of ecclesiastical rights following the encroachments of the earl and his agents .
27 From the moment in 1979 when Mrs Thatcher swept to power on a wave of uncollected garbage following the ‘ winter of discontent ’ , her radical assault on social democracy and the welfare state was to be a continuing theme of the politics of the 1980s .
28 India could develop test-tube fusion cells , using them as a source of neutrons to make weapons grade materials , breaking out of the stranglehold that the USA has held them in since severance of nuclear ties following the Pokran nuclear test in 1974 ; they set to work at once before the US classifies it as secret and corners the world market on the essential materials .
29 Although neither country was a signatory to the 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty [ see p. 38255 ] , it was felt that the safeguards agreement , the culmination of a series of bilateral initiatives following the return of both countries to civilian government in the early 1980s , would prevent nuclear technology being used to manufacture weapons .
30 Here is an ostensible shift in the balance of the Government 's approach , reflecting the new composition of the Cabinet but also , perhaps , the new constellation of electoral politics following the disintegration of the centre parties .
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