Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] to improve the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A petition calling for action to improve the safety of the London Road was launched this week .
2 Heightened awareness of Aboriginal health inequalities , coupled with acknowledgement of how disadvantaged Aborigines are in other aspects of life , has elicited cross party support for action to improve the situation .
3 The offer of further help was widely interpreted as attempt to improve the chances of the treaty being ratified by the requisite two-thirds majority of the 23-member Philippine Senate .
4 Phil Barber , Barnard Castle National Farmers ' Union branch secretary , condemned the Intervention Board 's decision , saying the operators were particularly upset because they had just spent a lot of money to improve the facilities to offer a better service to customers .
5 Puritano and Korb ( 1981 ) report the directions of the Secretary of Defense to improve the effectiveness of the PPB system .
6 A few additional strips around the top edge allow a strip of cedar to improve the looks , and shaping to improve comfort .
7 In Edinburgh a team of investigators from the Centre for Applications Software and Technology at the University of Edinburgh headed by Peter Burnhill will be using the University 's data library facilities as a test bed for the development of software to improve the links between user and software and software and data .
8 Were this competitive process to run its course to completion — in other words , were all decisions to become fully dovetailed — each participant would no longer be under pressure to improve the opportunities he is currently offering to the market , since no one else is offering more attractive opportunities [ …
9 Chief tourism officer for Blackpool Barry says work is already under way to improve the sea water there .
10 A £1.15m project has got under way to improve the drainage system and prevent homes in the Danesbury Drive area of York from flooding after heavy rain .
11 But the families in the little awkward places , at the heads of the small glens , on boggy ground that would not drain — they were nearly helpless , they trembled on the threshold of destitution , impaled on the horn of the one-year lease , uncertain whether it was worth going into debt to improve the ground and knowing that , even if they did , they could still be turned out next term day and their place annexed to the holding of a better-off neighbour .
12 In part , these studies have been designed to improve scientific knowledge of river systems and in part to improve the ability of hydrologists to forecast how changes in land use , for example through increasing urbanization , will affect river levels ( though the two are not necessarily distinct — improved scientific knowledge generally leads to improved accuracy in forecasting ) .
13 Together , these policies and policy statements reflect an overwhelming official concern in the current period of high unemployment with the position of young people in the labour market and , conversely , a lack of interest in action to improve the employment prospects of older workers .
14 Nevertheless an object , resting on the ground by its own weight alone , can be a fixture , if it be so heavy that there is no need to tie it into a foundation , and if it were put in place to improve the realty
15 For instance the responsibilities of the four officers were rearranged to reflect the structure of the first resolution conceptual model ; the OIC personally addressed the issue of developing performance indicators for the system as a whole and the associated sub-systems ; and measures were put in hand to improve the handover of information about residents between shifts .
16 Regarding the parent body as a potential task force — using the technical skills of parents within school to improve the school fabric and the school grounds .
17 The National Library of Scotland is collaborating with the British Library and the other legal deposit libraries of the British Isles in a pilot project of shared cataloguing in order to improve the currency and coverage of catalogue records for British books by sharing the responsibility for the creation of those records .
18 Links were made and any experiences that black groups have had with the CAB were identified ; the work of the CAB was described and help was enlisted from the black community in order to improve the services that the CAB could offer them .
19 The question must arise again now , if only because people have suggested that in order to improve the education of our children we need to move back to some system of selection ( see for example Whose Schools ?
20 In February 1988 , the Church of the Stork 's Nest , on the corner of Stirbei Voda and Strada Berzei , not far from the shell of the new National History Museum , could be seen moving to a new resting place in order to improve the angle of the street .
21 We are considering many other aspects in order to improve the position of women in the civil service — to make it easier for them to take jobs , leave to have children , and return later .
22 The future of the PCE , which was the main component of the United Left ( IU ) coalition , was similarly subject to debate as some trade unionists and party activists suggested it should be dissolved into the IU at the PCE congress in December , in order to improve the IU 's electoral prospects .
23 The sensitivity and specficity of Helico-G in our study are also comparable with those of another , but it is worth noting that some workers had to modify the manufacturer 's instructions in order to improve the performance of this test .
24 In order to improve the broadcasting system and make it better able to resist political pressure — a prime duty of the libertarian/social responsibility media — they favour a wider range of representation on various broadcasting boards .
25 1991 has seen many changes both external and internal ; some placed upon us by legislative bodies and the fluctuating state of the economy , others initiated from within in order to improve the working environment for all employees .
26 Commitment and firm action are necessary in order to improve the standard of financial accountability in the public sector .
27 A number of factors can be examined in order to improve the chances of sales success in both sales negotiations and pure selling .
28 The reformers , until 1964 mainly outside the House , argued that since the public wished to vote governments in or out of power and since every serious vote had become an issue of confidence , it was no longer possible to restore freer voting in order to improve the independence and power of the House .
29 It also indicates ways in which the landscape can be modified in order to improve the flow of energies and thus the well-being of the inhabitants .
30 These factors have to be considered in order to improve the reliability of serodiagnosis because of the potential advantages of these methods in identifying active H pylori infection .
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