Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] to achieve the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The report lists 28 items of legislation to achieve the reductions , some of which have already been passed , while others are about to be passed or are under discussion .
2 In 1989-90 , Pipe utilised 149 horses to win those 224 races ; last season 179 horses were pressed into action to achieve the record .
3 The purpose of programmes of study is to establish the matters , skills and processes which pupils should be taught in order to achieve the attainment targets .
4 In order to achieve the state of energy that manifests as a rested body and mind , we must become active against our negative emotions as well as following other disciplines on a daily basis .
5 Part of each functional staff was now dedicated to the new businesses , but significant parts were kept functional in order to achieve the synergy necessary for certain processes to occur .
6 whether the provisions in question were adopted before or after the Directive , a national court must interpret the national law as far as possible in the light and wording of the Directive in order to achieve the aims of the Community law .
7 OCEA literature states that students need to experience a wide range of mathematical activity in order to achieve the criteria , including practical work , quick response to questions , short problems , project work and investigations .
8 This rigidity is regarded as a price worth paying in order to achieve the objective of full integration .
9 You should find it easy to consume 35g of fibre daily , and we suggest this as the lower limit in order to achieve the slimming benefits described in the previous chapters .
10 Whilst we 're able to implement quite a considerable proportion of the er , objectives without any financial commitment , this particular er , issue does erm , provide us with a considerable test , and members need to know that in order to achieve the move from residential care to community care , we would have to have some ring-fence monies to be able , to enable that shift to , to take place , before the erm , the budget could be reduced on the residential side .
11 Divide the material into planned blocks in order to achieve the objectives .
12 Standards may be relaxed if , say , the cost of controlling pollutant emissions in order to achieve the standards is deemed to be economically unacceptable to a nation .
13 Authority is the right to do something , ie in an organisation it is the right of a manager to require a subordinate to do something in order to achieve the goals of the organisation .
14 The use of optimal control techniques will then adjust the policy instruments available to the government — tax rates , public expenditure and so on — in order to achieve the target values .
15 to ensure adherence to management policies and directives in order to achieve the organization 's objectives ;
16 Although initially shaken by the experience , the plucky 12 carried on working in traditional Royal Bank spirit in order to achieve the task in hand .
17 In this regard , the teacher will know the pupils who need more help , and , as in all classes , will be in a position to give them any extra help needed in order to achieve the learning outcomes .
18 ‘ In applying the national law and in particular the provisions of a national law specifically introduced in order to implement Directive 76/207 , national courts are required to interpret their national law in the light of the wording and the purpose of the directive in order to achieve the result referred to in the third paragraph of Article 189 .
19 ‘ In applying national law , whether the provisions in question were adopted before or after the directive , the national court called upon to interpret it is required to do so , as far as possible , in the light of the wording and the purpose of the directive in order to achieve the result pursued by the latter and thereby comply with the third paragraph of Article 189 of the Treaty . ’
20 I mean I actually voted for this contract , erm , rather reluctantly , but it seemed better than not , doing so at the time , but we were given assurances , and it was very well understood by absolutely everybody , that vigorous management would be needed in order to achieve the targetising and that was the only way that the savings were going to be made , and it does seem that , that , erm that has not been going on .
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