Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] led [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 His pernickety attitude and lack of experience led to the film going almost 100 per cent over-budget .
2 The first of these lines of research led to the development of so-called creativity tests in which the subject has a free hand to generate his or her own responses to a given problem .
3 The patchwork quilt of administrative decision-making powers reinforced the idea that this was not a new system of law in the making and the formalism of normativism led to the idea that to the extent that we had administrative law , the subject consisted wholly or mainly of delegated legislation and administrative adjudication ; that is , the forms of administrative action classifiable in terms of a conception of a formal separation of powers .
4 The growth of bureaucracy led to the proliferation of officials with functions as police , tax collectors and customs officers who might have had their offices in such places .
5 Unions became registered , thereby conferring access to an arbitration tribunal , and once registered they were largely protected from the emergence of new , rival organisations.8 As a result , the system of registration led to the early establishment and subsequent continuation of a large number of small unions and , as a secondary consequence , helped to impede amalgamation and union rationalisation .
6 From a therapeutic aspect , penicillin was marvellous because it cured many dangerous bacterial infections , but it was tiresome because it was inactive by mouth ( it was destroyed by the acidity of the stomach contents ) , it acted for a very short time ( it was rapidly excreted by the kidneys ) and so was of little value unless given by injection at intervals of not longer than 3 hours , and because , after a time , the normal processes of evolution led to the appearance of resistant strains of the microbes which had previously been sensitive to penicillin .
7 In September a combination of politically clean hands plus a rising tide of Bonapartism led to the Prince 's being elected yet again , this time in five separate constituencies .
8 However , the industrial growth which took place throughout France changed the traditional patterns of work in Paris as elsewhere , and the introduction of machinery led to the establishment in the city of sugar refining , dyeing , and — around the railway yards — engineering .
9 Shortage of timber led to the increased planting of fast growing conifers such as Norway spruce .
10 The need for more flexibility and economy of operation led to the rebuilding of 725 with new ends and a front entrance/exit in 1979 .
11 His concern about the evil effects of drunkenness led to the formation of the Langley Temperance Club , and he was also active in the social work of the Church of England .
12 If one man would pay generously to become Nawab , then so would another , and the attraction of gifts paid out upon a change of ruler led to the deposition of three Nawabs in rapid succession , which reduced the position to one which was obviously that of a puppet of the Company .
13 So the death of Crossroads led to the start of perfect partnership .
14 In the 1970s , this kind of pressure led to the prevalence of an increasing pool of funds allocated to soft or mixed commercial credits , which some EC governments were able to describe as aid .
15 The experimental study of heredity led to the emergence of genetics , while ecology was presented as an extension of physiology into the study of the organism 's reaction to its environment .
16 The experimental approach to the study of heredity led to the creation of the new science of genetics .
17 Comparison with teaching in a traditional classroom course of the same length of time led to the use of CAI for all the SCORPIO training .
18 The Beveridge Report , which formed the basis of much of the post-war social security legislation , contained certain features which in part led to the need to reform the pension system .
19 Mosley 's and Rothermere 's interest in aviation led to the formation of a fascist flying club in Gloucester-shire in 1934 .
20 He became increasingly authoritarian and reliant upon the army , which in turn led to the eight years of Amin 's rule , the Tanzanian invasion , Obote 's second government and ultimately the civil war in which Museveni took power .
21 That in turn led to the assumption that diversity was embarrassing , that different standpoints within the biblical books should be harmonized , lest the authority of the sacred writings be diminished .
22 I had brought off a successful forced landing , with no damage to man or machine , and afterwards I was able to describe the symptoms which led to the failure , which in turn led to the fault being found and cured .
23 It failed because it precipitated a managerial revolution in Courtaulds , which in turn led to the defeat of the bid and the rapid recovery of the company .
24 This in turn led to the arm and gun junction boxes being redesigned horizontally next to each other rather than grouped centrally at the front .
25 This in turn led to the idea that the universe could be finite in imaginary time but without boundaries or singularities .
26 Subsequent meetings with Dr Reid convinced him that a grave injustice had been done to both the parents of the nine children subject to the dawn raids of 1991 , and to Mrs W and her children , removed in November 1990 and whose disclosures while in care led to the later social work action .
27 Indeed , increasing concern over inflation led to the operation of more or less continuous incomes policies during the 1970s .
28 More generally , the instinctive drive for self-preservation led to the emergence of a range of public and governmental institutions .
29 The economic problems caused by unemployment led to the collapse of the second Labour government .
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