Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] to look [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is a good idea to establish a habit of visiting these centres regularly after school to look at software and discuss applications and practice with others .
2 The British also established an Imperial Bureau of Entomology to look into ways of dealing with insect pests in their various colonies .
3 King Birendra also announced the setting up of a commission of inquiry to look into allegations of police violence and a commission on constitutional reform .
4 The Congress on May 27 approved the creation of a special commission of inquiry to look into allegations of corruption made by Pedro Collor de Mello , 39 , against his elder brother , President Fernando Collor de Mello , 42 , and Paulo Cesar Farias ( known as PC ) , his 1989 election campaign treasurer .
5 In the changing conceptual frame inside which a science progresses , it would be as out of place to look for progress as in the styles of an art .
6 On the plains , small rodents that have spent the daylight hours in the safety of their burrows , are venturing out under the cover of night to look for food .
7 It is obvious , too , that image and language become combined in a more pervasive and subtle way still to give some words a gender — as in European languages — although they appear neutral : I find it a constant effort of will to look at picture books with my three-year-old and say ‘ That 's the farmer and that 's the farmer 's husband ’ .
8 If Lavenham is the outstanding example , it is also of interest to look at Newbury , a borough of some 1,250 people , or about 1,600 including the suburban hamlet Speenhamland .
9 There is plenty of time to look around Stratford-upon-Avon or leave the train at Warwick to visit the historic castle .
10 A Black Catholic conference is planned for the future , in order to look at ways of making white middle-class worship relevant to those from another culture .
11 He had grown a moustache in order to look like Ian Botham and he drove a 1960s Jag like Inspector Morse .
12 Both the latter films were made by Walter Booth for Charles Urban , an American who had been sent to Britain in order to look after Edison 's interests , then set up on his own as a distributor and exporter of French and American films .
13 His Aunt Lucy came to live at Howfield in order to look after Ramsey 's father and the family after Agnes Ramsey was killed .
14 The classic one of the unmarried daughter who stays at home to look after parents for instance .
15 They used their extra income gained to stay at home to look after children .
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