Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] herself [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 For days he 'd been in the blackest of moods , furious with her for wasting herself on a man old enough to be her father , and even more furious with himself for not having taken her forcefully after that Christmas evening when he 'd known her feelings were as inflamed as his own .
2 AFTER seeing herself in a video , , receptionist at South East regional office at Burston , decided it was time to lose weight .
3 Tracey Cole , 18 , was found in her room at Oxford 's Lady Margaret Hall , after hanging herself with a dressing gown cord .
4 Its real mother will have to be put down after injuring herself during the birth , and the owners fear this could leave the young Arabian horse without the vital care it needs .
5 Francoise has a weakness though — an insatiable appetite for pushing herself to the limits of sporting endeavour in the most stunning natural locations .
6 She had been out of prison for two months and was in the process of re-establishing herself in the outside world .
7 He kept summoning up more strength to attack the ‘ fatal evil of burying herself in the past . ’
8 The simple act of losing herself in a live stage performance seemed impossible , when all she could think of was the sheer heaven of spending time alone with Guy again .
9 Her growing indignation at the way they were discussing her as though she were so much merchandise was abruptly swamped by misery at the thought of giving herself to the man she had dreamed of for years in such a cold-blooded manner .
10 However , she could not avoid it at The Tamarisks , for although Fru Møller offered a generous choice of hors d'œuvres and puddings she did not provide a choice of main course and Elisabeth would not have dreamt of placing herself at a disadvantage by drawing attention to her disability and pleading for something easier than steak to swallow .
11 Just turned 21 , Jeanne had sacrificed any hope of fulfilling herself as an artist to Modigliani .
12 If she did n't remainder the dragon , she could forget her chance of freeing herself of the D-9000 .
13 Foolishly she had imagined it would be like inviting herself into a trap , because the trapped feeling was still there .
14 Meg waited until she heard the main bedroom door shut before going herself to the bathroom .
15 Bobo ran to the back of her cage and Fifi had to scamper out of the way to save herself from being trampled , and then Bobo was storming back with a handful of straw and dung which she hurled at Donaldson before slamming herself into the bars and screaming loudly as they shook .
16 But its existence meant that Britain had joined the other major states of Europe in providing herself with a minister and an administrative machine designed to conduct and control foreign policy .
17 Apart from involving herself in the thick of the action , Rosemary spends a lot of time giving public talks , raising funds for both the Jubilee Sailing Trust and the training of dogs for the Hearing Dogs for the Deaf scheme .
18 With a sense of impending doom heavy on her shoulders , she went up to their shared suite to have a long , relaxing shower before preparing herself for the fireworks that would inevitably , as night overtook day , follow .
19 She soaked herself with petrol before locking herself inside the back of the van for nearly a day .
20 But then she remembered what the wise old turtle had told her about putting herself in the dog 's place , and doing what she would want to have done to her .
21 She could control that by reminding herself of the terrible consequences it had led to the first time .
22 Mrs Molina , who won 55% of the vote in the run-off , triumphed by painting herself as an outsider and a reformer .
23 She caught worldwide attention last year when she claimed in a defence of prostitution charges that she could only satisfy a sex addiction by selling herself to the long line of men .
24 Nevertheless , the view has prevailed within the Government , and also within the ranks and higher commands of all the Opposition parties , that Britain 's future would be assured by linking herself to the fortunes of another country .
25 When Diana allegedly attempted suicide by throwing herself down the stairs at Sandringham , Charles called a doctor and then disappeared , leaving the Queen Mother to comfort his wife .
26 Despite being repeatedly arrested and brought back home , bruised and beaten by the police , she finally got to see the King by throwing herself into the road in front of the Royal car .
27 Shortly before the war , she had committed suicide by throwing herself from the bridge into the path of a train .
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