Example sentences of "[prep] [det] approach to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ( For another approach to text cf. discussion in Chapter 6 . )
2 In a short , but pithy , article Anthony ( 1977 ) reviewed the application of ZBB in the state of Georgia , the home state of President Carter and the original public sector pilot scheme for this approach to budgeting .
3 The rise of the lay colleges at the present time is largely the fault of the medical profession itself , a result of its consistent disregard for this approach to treatment so that the demand for it far outweighs the practitioners available to supply that demand .
4 We shall continue to press strongly for this approach to pension provision in the next round of discussions on the proposed pensions directive .
5 Only through such approaches to training needs can the huge requirement for continuing education and training can be met .
6 But after 10 years of Tory rule , he had had enough of that approach to politics .
7 There are many different versions of this approach to inflation .
8 As a result of this approach to mathematics , Adrienne Bennett has found that her pupils have confounded many stereotypes about children with ‘ moderate learning difficulties ' .
9 Kay and King ( 1983 ) have been consistent supporters of this approach to taxation .
10 I shall be talking to Stephen Ball and others about their studies of the effectiveness of this approach to education .
11 Langer has done a good deal of research into the evaluation of this approach to schema activation , and she is convinced that is helps poor readers and good readers alike to learn more from difficult textbooks .
12 Two of the leading exponents of this approach to organisations were F.W. Taylor and H. Fayol .
13 Bob Abel and his pals , when they show this system , make the mistake of using the word empower when describing the value of this approach to learning .
14 The proponents of this approach to policy claim that it will encourage a more stable background in which the private sector can make its own investment and spending plans with greater certainty about future government policy ; that it will prevent abrupt and damaging shifts of policy ; and that it will make government manipulation of monetary policy for electoral purposes more difficult .
15 Criticism of this approach to crime would , therefore , require a criticism of Marxist theory as a whole .
16 Elsewhere the authors have explored in more detail the nature and relevance of such approaches to people with learning difficulties ( Swain and Brechin , forthcoming ) .
17 Deciding which of these approaches to back is like entering a lottery , but informed prejudice gives some guide to the odds .
18 The emphasis throughout this approach to treatment is on encouraging the patient to develop the skills to solve his own problems .
19 The arguments for and against this approach to curriculum planning and evaluation are well documented elsewhere .
20 Only small States , freed from the burden of playing a leading role in international affairs and often more homogeneous economically and socially than their more powerful neighbours , could afford to apply the political panaceas of the Enlightenment with some approach to thoroughness .
21 ‘ In the comparatively simple case of the Timor group of islands we were able to deduce these changes with some approach to certainty .
22 The philanthropist Helen Bosanquet drew eagerly on the work of the French sociologist Frederick Le Play to argue that the ‘ stable family ’ with its male breadwinner was ‘ the only known way of ensuring with any approach to success , that one generation will exert itself in the interests and for the sake of another ’ .
23 It is probably impossible to recapture with any approach to accuracy or completeness the atmosphere of a past age but , happily , in the 1930s a former member of the Edenderry congregation left an account of what it was like to grow up in that distant time .
24 ‘ The situation is tragic , but it is important that these people do not undermine confidence in this approach to conservation . ’
25 When the spy returned he stated that there were roadblocks and minefields on all approaches to Benghazi .
26 Clearly positivists , and , as we shall see , Marxists as well , will feel unhappy about any approach to literature which , like that of the Formalists and the Prague School , concentrates on the analysis of a text 's structure rather than its genesis , and on the explanation of literary facts within a predominantly literary framework of reference .
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