Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] far [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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31 Indeed , in so far as the law represents the embodiment of those rules deemed so important by society as to warrant setting them out formally with appropriate sanctions for non-observance , legal principles are the most important regulators of doctors ' decisions .
32 — they should be a ‘ peer ’ group in so far as the relationship within the group is on an equal footing .
33 It would be a mistake , however , to dismiss this aspect of the Liberal reform programme as being of no legislative or historical significance , at least in so far as the preceding details have revealed that the different schemes were the result of much thought and argument on the part of a number of interest groups , each of which cared about the transition process , believing it to be critical for the economic and moral welfare of working-class youth .
34 By the law of primitive socialist accumulation we mean the entire sum of conscious and semi-spontaneous tendencies in the state economy which are directed towards the expansion and consolidation of the collective organisation of labour in Soviet economy and which are dictated to the Soviet state on the basis of necessity : ( 1 ) the determination of proportions in the distribution of productive forces , formed on the basis of struggle against the law of value inside and outside the country and having as their objective task the achievement of the optimum expanded socialist reproduction in the given conditions and of the maximum defensive capacity of the whole system in conflict with capitalist commodity production ; ( 2 ) the determination of the proportions of accumulation of material resources for expanded reproduction , especially at the expense of private economy , in so far as the determined amounts of the accumulation are dictated compulsorily to the Soviet state under threat of economic disproportion , growth of private capital , weakening of the bond between the state economy and peasant production , derangement in years to come of the necessary proportions of expanded socialist reproduction and weakening of the whole system in its conflict with capitalist commodity production inside and outside the country .
35 Finally , as will be seen below , a restrictive view towards the use of companies may be a disincentive to expansion in so far as the corporate form permits greater flexibility in the raising of outside finance .
36 Since Ebrahimi was decided , s 459 of the Companies Act 1985 has added to the minority shareholder 's armoury a claim of ‘ unfair prejudice ’ , but only in so far as the conduct ( actual or threatened ) that he complains of is prejudicial to him in his capacity as a member .
37 Second , most workers believe that the more time they spend searching for a job , the more likely it is that they will obtain one which meets their requirements , particularly in so far as the wage rate and working conditions are concerned .
38 Some governments , notably the UK , argue that the Fifth Directive should be based on Article 100 ( general harmonisation of national laws ) at least in so far as the provisions on employee representation at board level are concerned , since it deals with the rights of employed persons which fall outside the scope of freedom of establishment governed by Article 54 .
39 In this sense it has a similar role to that of the Office of Fair Trading in relation to UK competition rules such as the Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1976 , the Fair Trading Act 1973 and the Competition Act 1980 , although in a number of respects and in particular in so far as the Commission has the power to take binding decisions , its powers are more extensive than the Office of Fair Trading .
40 This presents a major obstacle , in so far as the would-be acquirer needs to be able to calculate the attitude of a target company 's owners to an offer , given that the management will often be uncooperative .
41 Although technical barriers mainly arise in Germany and the Netherlands , the fact that they are relatively unapparent in other countries such as Spain and Italy does not mean that they do not present a potential threat , in so far as the removal of structural barriers to takeovers may result in the creation of technical barriers as companies react to defend themselves .
42 Thus far it can be argued that , if and in so far as the objection to the validity of a pretended Act of Parliament is purely procedural , there is no objection to any court ( and not merely the House of Lords ) making such minimal inquiries as are consistent with Parliamentary privilege in order to ensure that the instrument in question was consented to by the two Houses and did receive the Royal Assent .
43 It is not obvious , in reviewing this system , exactly where the element of indirection came in , except in so far as the Residents were instructed to maintain at all costs the ‘ prestige ’ of the emir .
44 In so far as the fear of relativism is of it becoming even for the most aware a matter of taste whether one is selfish or unselfish , compassionate or cruel , the fear is misplaced .
45 The church leaders said that no party which supports violence can seriously claim to be ‘ discharging its responsibilities in a positive and honourable way ’ in so far as the establishment of peace is concerned .
46 The original gift by the father took place in September 1980 , in so far as the market value at that time exceeded the £9,000 paid .
47 In the case of other loss or damage , a person can not so exclude or restrict his liability for negligence except in so far as the term or notice satisfies the requirement of reasonableness .
48 One of BRAC 's concerns at present is to see whether the lobon-gur solution has become part of the Bangladeshi culture , in so far as the mothers taught by BRAC 's Oral Therapy Replacement Workers might pass their knowledge down to their children .
49 In so far as sensations are ‘ things excited in our minds ’ , they seem to have the character of particulars ; but in so far as the same sensation can be excited by any one of numerous objects , they ( the sensations ) seem to have the character of universals .
50 Aside from the clear financial objective of an increase in the basic weekly rate to 7s 6d , the association was mainly concerned with the inconsistencies of the 1908 Act in so far as the means test mitigated against the ‘ respectable aged Britisher ’ .
51 The sociology of religion certainly can not tell us what we ought to believe — or even whether any particular belief is true or false — except , perhaps , in so far as the belief makes empirical claims or predictions — but , even then , we must remember , religions do deal in miracles , and they do celebrate paradox .
52 In so far as the historian must now ask himself rigorously when confronted with new evidence , ‘ evidence for what ? ’ , this is an excellent thing .
53 In so far as the members of the professions themselves believed in such an ideal and oriented their behaviour in accordance with it ( and therefore against pure self-interest ) , they created the conditions under which trust could be offered and accepted .
54 In so far as the historic cost pricing rules applied , the large consumers were subsidised like others initially , but , by the mid-1950s , their prices probably reflected long-run costs fairly accurately ( though they correctly , if somewhat ineffectively , complained about the continuing subsidy to the domestic consumer , which they suspected but could not prove ) .
55 In so far as the RHA did feel impelled to act , the constant worry about shortages of staff and inadequacies of conditions at its mental hospitals , making neglect or abuse of patients more likely to occur , played a significant part in decision-making .
56 The condition of the people of Hartfield , Hawksborough and Shoyswell hundreds differed from that of the rest of the region only in so far as the usual string of £1 assessments was balanced in each of them by one of the very few three-figure ones ( see Table 2.17 ) .
57 In so far as the political stability of mid-century depended upon the success of the king 's cause in France , it was shallowly based .
58 But , in so far as the subject was addressed , the dominant view was that by integrating modern industry into the communal structure Russia could enjoy its benefits without enduring proletarianization .
59 In so far as the system worked — some disputes were settled , some crimes fully atoned for — it did so because it accommodated to the plastic and multifarious notions of justice obtaining within a small group of men , known to each other from youth up , often related by marriage , who had to reckon on continuing to live as neighbours after the case was over .
60 Indeed , the cause of Duke William 's concern on the matter was his clash with Hugh IV de Lusignan ; in the course of this Hugh , embittered by William 's failure to keep his word , renounced his oath of fidelity , except in so far as the count 's physical safety and the safety of Poitiers were concerned .
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