Example sentences of "[prep] [be] a significant [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Costs of this magnitude and doubts about the ability to recoup them through improvements in efficiency or other gains are likely to be a significant disincentive to attempting a take-over and their scale suggests that they constitute a barrier behind which sub-optimally performing boards can find a substantial measure of protection .
2 A report commissioned from Lazard Brothers , the merchant bank , by members of the Ferranti family and obtained by The Independent , reveals that Sir Derek Alun-Jones , Ferranti 's chairman , was told that Ferranti ‘ may be unable to exercise full management control ’ and that ISC was likely ‘ to be a significant drain on its ( Ferranti 's ) cash resources ’ .
3 However , there was to be a significant change as the convoy journeyed further north .
4 Nevertheless , it would seem that this was not considered to be a significant proportion .
5 Per Andersen of IDC 's European Unix Expertise Centre believes this to be a significant trend that will shape the industry over the next two years .
6 However , serum triglyceride levels did not prove to be a significant factor for coronary heart disease in this multivariate analysis and this is probably because of the correction made for the inverse relationship between triglycerides and HDL .
7 How you make a choice of career is likely to be a significant factor in determining how successful it ultimately is .
8 As well as increasing anxiety , irritability and mood changes , the menopause saps memory and concentration , causes physical pain in the joints and muscles , and , if improperly treated , is believed to be a significant factor in the incidence of osteoporosis or ‘ brittle bone ’ disease in later life .
9 The excess of expenditure over income was £83,604 , and the TBC was obliged to rely on subventions from the government ; that continued reliance was to be a significant factor in decisions that were taken later .
10 To a limited and inadequate extent this was recognised in classical criminology : Beccaria acknowledged that the content , as well as the operation , of legal rules was likely to be a significant factor in the degree of compliance that could be expected .
11 However , linear precedence has been shown to be a significant factor affecting the manner in which words associate with each other [ Church & hanks , 1989 ] .
12 Of other possible causes of these disparities in achievement , IQ differences were considered at length , but not found to be a significant factor .
13 The size of the collections which currently use LCC is likely to be a significant factor in its perpetuation .
14 Nevertheless , the juxtaposition of terranes with often dramatically different lithologies and structural characteristics is likely to be a significant factor in the long-term development of landscapes .
15 If price is thought to be a significant factor in the product 's success , then the manufacturer should only deal with distributors who are willing to agree a mark-up and selling price with the manufacturer .
16 It is worth recording also that urban contraction among the extra-mural areas does not appear to be a significant feature before the mid fourth century .
17 Meanwhile Customs and Excise is celebrating what it believes to be a significant blow to the drugs trade .
18 The possibility that this approach might appear to poor parents as a punishment for their poverty was not considered to be a significant part of the equation .
19 If we are asking when the issue of who were England 's legitimate rulers was resolved , then the answer can clearly not be 1660 or 1688 ; 1715 , with the failure of the Jacobite rebellion might have a strong claim , although there are some scholars who would maintain that Jacobitism continued to be a significant threat thereafter , so that the succession did not finally disappear as a political issue until after the failure of the rebellion in 1745 .
20 Because of the historian 's reliance on the availability of information compiled by previous generations — back-projected third parties , if you like — rather than the self-compilation of information or the use of that compiled contemporaneously by third parties , the availability of ‘ documentary ’ source materials to the historian 's of the future may prove to be a significant problem hindering the study of history .
21 It is not clear whether there were actually craft workshops in the West Wing at Zakro but , if so , it seems to be a significant departure from the pattern observed at the other temples , where the votive workshops were in the east , as at Knossos , or north-east , as at Phaistos .
22 I me going to be a significant event , well it
23 Moreover , once a foreign producer has captured what he judges to be a significant share of the market he then eases prices upwards while increasing his share by other devices such as advertising and superior servicing and distribution .
24 To do this the Commission must have regard to barriers to entry likely to deter new market entrants and to whether a result of the merger is likely to be a significant raising of those barriers .
25 We thus expect there to be a significant region right next to the wall in which the velocity profile is linear ,
26 However at the time of any one person 's death or loss through some other means there are likely to be a significant number of people affected , not just the next of kin .
27 There certainly seems to be a significant polarisation between the sexes in their approach to driving .
28 Discarded lead shot-gun pellets and lead fishing weights are also considered to be a significant cause of game-bird mortality in both North America and Britain .
29 This form of predation by Egyptian vultures is thought to be a significant source of egg loss for many ostriches .
30 More generally , can we identify the circumstances under which siblings are likely to be a significant source of support ?
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