Example sentences of "[prep] [art] ladies ' [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Stewards yesterday reshaped the qualification requirements for the Ladies ' Plate , Thames Cup and the corresponding challenge cups for four-oared crews .
2 Ruth explained about the Ladies ' Companion and her telephone-call , and went on to ask :
3 The question arose after the Ladies ' Directory case in which Frederick Shaw was convicted of ‘ conspiring to corrupt public morals ’ , and in which one of the Appeal Judges , Lord Simons , had stated that ‘ there remains in the courts a residual power to conserve not only the safety , but also the moral welfare of the State ’ .
4 There 's a quotation here from one of the ladies ' magazines at the time : ‘ woman was given to man to be his better angel , to dissuade him from vice , to stimulate him to virtue , to make home delightful and life joyous , in the exercise of these gentle and holy charities , she fulfils her high vocation ’ — pretty inspiring stuff !
5 Let us take the question of the ladies ' toilets which you asked me about .
6 Susanna Cellini was looking in the window of the ladies ' boutique when Stephen and Christina walked through the lobby just after noon .
7 Matey might not work so hard as McAllister did , or perform such menial tasks , like scrubbing the kitchen floor and whitening the front doorstep — which was next on McAllister 's list of duties — but she did her share and was never idle , even in her spare time — hence her membership of the ladies ' sewing circle and her encouragement of her housemaid , McAllister , to accompany her to it .
8 Belle Robertson , at 45 , became the oldest winner of the Ladies ' Championship .
9 Sally Hepburn , Tournament Secretary of the Ladies ' Golf Union at St.Andrews has an annual meeting with her neighbours , the Royal and Ancient Golf Club , to sort through the maze of men 's and women 's British amateur events , and admits that it is a task that grows harder each season .
10 Sunday morning say the start of the ladies ' competition with St Albans A and Mutineers going through to the semis to play St Albans B and Woodmill respectively , the latter two having been given byes to this stage .
11 The cheap paper and poor colour of this tawdry imitation of the Ladies ' Home Journal or Harper 's were so plainly unworthy of her .
12 ‘ Hel lo ! ’ squeaks one of the ladies ' hats suddenly — and there are the Bernsteins .
13 She wondered if she 'd walk out into a scene , or whether Ace had managed to extricate himself unscathed from the encounter as she left the relative comfort of the ladies ' room .
15 Two of the ladies ' overcoats were sniffling , and with infinite discretion blowing their noses .
16 Priscilla Buxton recounted how four MPs brought in the huge rolls of the ladies ' petition of 1833 and ‘ heaved it on to the table among loud laughing and cheers .
17 The building works continued in a way we might recognise today , and the architect , Mr. Fair , was given the following list of outstanding jobs to discuss with the builder — raising the chimney , painting the window of the ladies ' lavatories , completing the lockers , re-arranging the pipes at the back of the dining room door , fixing the fireplaces and completing the heating apparatus .
18 and then erm turning right you went past the ladies ' cloakroom and before you got to the door out into erm Grimwich Street
19 He 's a bit of a ladies ' man , ’ he said , adding ‘ Nigella Lawson — she 's very tasty , nicer than in her picture .
20 Ever the gentleman he even managed to pick a Michael Fallon sticker off the bottom of a ladies ' shoe , only to get it stuck on his own .
21 In America recently , I wore the lenses for a ladies ' luncheon , then went straight to the theatre for the show , and did make-up , hair and costume in record time .
22 We went through the New Town first , and it was bright and colourful , with the ladies ' dresses and the red roses of the Elphbergs .
23 The craft of caring for clothes vanished with the ladies ' maid and the most common modern method of storage — hanging them , shrouded in plastic , on a wire coathanger — is less than ideal .
24 I expect you 're busy with the ladies ' altar guild and the old people 's picnic .
25 As he films Mia , she tells him , ‘ Cinéma vérité is just an excuse to follow little girls into the ladies ' room . ’
26 Well , let me tell you , you 'll know which one it is in a second — I went back , obviously years later , and I was having my beer and I finally had to go to the loo and I went into the ladies ' room and there was a big sign saying ‘ Elizabeth Taylor sat here ’ .
27 Then up to the ground floor again and into the Ladies ' Reading Room .
28 An Emergency Meeting agreed on enlarging the clubhouse , including making the ground floor of the cottage into the Ladies ' locker room — to be reached by an uncovered , external stairway !
29 Twenty years old as she was , Ella had beaten her big sisters to the altar : Alice Maud , the eldest , waited a further two years before marrying Frank Foote , a clerk in Godsell 's Brewery in Stroud , Gloucestershire , in which town she herself had served an apprenticeship with a ladies ' hairdresser in High Street .
30 As Meryl leaned forward in the alcove , poised to stand , Gladys emerged soundlessly from the ladies ' corridor , still wearing her garish dress .
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