Example sentences of "[prep] [art] few weeks or " in BNC.

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1 I did n't want anyone to feel that this diet was a ‘ prison sentence ’ to be endured for a few weeks or months before old habits could be reintroduced .
2 Sniffed for a few weeks or months .
3 At present , however , there is a student gap , which may last for a few weeks or a few months , separating the exemptions from the day on which a person enrols on a full-time course of education .
4 Those who could live on savings for a few weeks or months were ‘ that rare class ’ .
5 The improvement in arthritis , gout , blood pressure , diabetes , or blood cholesterol level may be dramatic , and evident within a few weeks or months of a dietary programme .
6 The water-soluble vitamins , however , are not usually stored in the body in any great amount , so deficiency can develop within a few weeks or months if the diet is poor .
7 ‘ Is there a potential on the Earth now , ’ Tooley asked , ‘ for catastrophic , subglacial floods raising sea level by 23cm in a few weeks or several metres in a few years ? ’
8 ‘ It has got to a stage where I am not looking ahead to what might happen in a few weeks or a few months .
9 I am convinced that if the hon. Gentleman were ever in a position of responsibility in the House — the likelihood of which is becoming increasingly remote — he would also find himself advised that it would be foolish to put before the House proposals which in a few weeks or months might fall outside the law .
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