Example sentences of "[prep] [art] same moment [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Down below , thieves , assassins , trolls and merchants all realised at about the same moment that they were in a room made treacherous of foothold by gold coins and containing something , among the suddenly menacing shapes in the semi-darkness , that was absolutely horrible .
2 Also at about the same moment as the homing rat disappeared into the maze of runs under the city , scurrying along in faultless obedience to an ancient instinct , the Patrician of Ankh-Morpork picked up the letters delivered that morning by albatross .
3 She watched in silence , her heart crying out to him , suddenly fearful that almost in the same moment that she 'd found him she had lost him , but without knowing why .
4 Amateurism was scrapped at the same moment that the imperial structure it had helped to sustain was itself wound up .
5 Almost at the same moment that Mary saw and recognised the car , the men in it saw and recognised her !
6 And Harriet Shakespeare , stumbling over the rough ground towards them , raised her voice at the same moment and yelled , ‘ Tug darling , it 's all right .
7 Sure enough , they dropped their sticks at the same moment and ran across to the downriver side of the bridge to watch for the winner .
8 Far off , at St Ignatius Loyola College in County Galway , a similar commemoration had been timed to start at the same moment and also to end at ten minutes past nine .
9 The train whistle blew at the same moment and her scream was drowned in it .
10 She saw them at the same moment and hesitated , then she turned and began walking back the way she had come .
11 We reach the station at the same moment as an elegant train loaded with ladies preening themselves in their furs and hats , the men all wearing dark suits .
12 Her God had made the dark at the same moment as the light .
13 The jolt rattled his ribs and he breathed in at the same moment as his head crashed through the surface , like a seal in the surf .
14 It is much better if the player knows subconsciously all the time where the clubhead is and makes sure that it gets to the ball at the same moment as the hands — a similar position as when at address .
15 His right arm was suddenly rigid , holding her still , at the same moment as that warm , strong hand brushed across the upper curve of her breast .
16 Fran tried the cupboard , but found only dishes , and smiled as she immediately tried the next one along , reaching for the handle at the same moment as Luke came across to help her .
17 He nodded and there followed an awkward silence where Julie and Nina must have become aware of the tension , for they glanced at each other at the same moment as a patient arrived in the centre .
18 She arrived at the same moment as Nina and they saw that Greg was already unlocking the factory ambulance and David was in consultation with one of the factory managers .
19 She leaned forward , her hair falling across her face , and as he lifted his head she brought her lips down on his , parting them with her tongue at the same moment as she felt his hands unzipping her jeans .
20 Though it may well be , he wrote , that one actually achieves more working with the wrong plans and in the wrong spirit , with the wrong tools and the wrong principles , on the wrong surface and with the wrong conception , it may well be , he wrote ( and Goldberg typed ) , that one achieves more than working with the right plans and in the right spirit , with the right tools and the right principles , on the right surface and with the right conception , though right and wrong and more and less are relative concepts and what seems right at one moment to one person may seem wrong at the same moment to another Person or at another moment to the same person , and what seems more to one person at one moment may seem less to another person at the same moment or at another moment to the same person , right , wrong , more , less , relative concepts , scribbled Goldberg , in the margin , panting slightly as he bent over his old Olivetti Portable , there is only the beginning , wrote Harsnet , or rather , there is only having begun , beginning , scribbled Goldberg , aware now of the black stains on his hands left by the felt-tip pen , having begun , there is only the feeling in the pit of the stomach or the feeling in the chest , wrote Harsnet , the feeling of sickness or the feeling of elation , those are not relative , he wrote , those are absolute .
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