Example sentences of "[prep] [art] right [noun sg] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 She would regain her own composure , wait just a little longer for the right opportunity and then she would strike .
2 The effect of suppression , wherever it occurs , is that stimuli presented to the left ear are destined predominantly for the right hemisphere and stimuli heard at the right ear arrive mainly in the left hemisphere .
3 I groped for the right word and found it' …
4 We had spent much time looking for the right place and seemed to have explored almost every corner of the country , from Devon to Cumberland , and had almost settled on a disused mill at Fisherton-de-la-Mare , near Amesbury .
5 The prosecution say that she was plucked from the bridge by Hagans , who 'd lain in wait for the right victim and then pounced .
6 So remember you hold it down for the right length and quickly take your hand off , as soon as you 've done it .
7 The most common error from the top of the backswing is for the right arm and shoulder to push forward , for the right side to unwind prematurely , and for the cut across , out-to-in action to be set .
8 Concurrent verbalisation was found to reduce balancing times for the right hand but not the left hand .
9 At the top of the backswing it is of great importance for the right knee and toes to be in a straight line .
10 was there for the right moment and the right man .
11 To begin with , I think there should be training to erm governors , for example , to train them how to how they should be able to select the right person for the right job and try and try and get rid of this stereotype image .
12 They 've got a body of about the right description and they 've gone to see Miss Morgan 's parents .
13 This takes us into the nebulous area of psychological assessment , but it is also the case that the supply of information must be of the right type and in the right form to enable human beings to respond and act correctly , especially the air traffic controllers and the flight crew .
14 Ever since filing his first application as British Atlantic , Randolph Fields had been scouring the world looking for aircraft of the right type and price .
15 If we accept that , so far as most people are concerned , it is the left brain which is more highly developed , what can we do to enhance the ability of the right brain and to try and become more creative ?
16 Teenagers began to feel ashamed , not of having sex , but of remaining virgins , while older women felt pressured by the necessity to have multiple orgasms of the right kind and frequency .
17 For one thing , the war was only a matter of a few years in the past and the number of potential suitors must have been severely limited , especially of the right intellect and calibre .
18 A home of the right size and in the right place and at the right rent is everybody 's first need .
19 More importantly , by the time you finish this chapter , you should have a good idea of the right size and shape for your body .
20 To give a second example , pied flycatchers which have never seen a shrike will mob a model shrike ; the mobbing is best elicited , or ‘ released ’ , by a model of the right size and orientation , with a horizontal black eye stripe on the appropriate background colour .
21 His pearl is fatally flawed , and to supply the missing leaf , or leaves , in facsimile , even of the right size and type , is a desperate measure acceptable only in cases of extreme age or rarity .
22 ‘ Five stones ’ was a favourite and a collection of good smooth pebbles of the right size and weight was a treasure , something like a really champion conker .
23 An hour or so ago , she had seen a stone of the right size and shape lying on the edge of a garden , and had put it into her pocket .
24 Quite apart from wanting pictures which will enhance the pages of their magazine and which will interest their readers , editors need pictures of the right size and printed on the right sort of paper .
25 Pores along the hairs filter out molecules of the right size and these are analysed .
26 Jaynes in fact argues that the shift to self-critical awareness involved a major alteration in the use of the brain with a new emphasis on the analytical functions of the right hemisphere and the subordination of the more holistic left ( see Chapter 11 ) .
27 For this , the choice of the right photographer and designer is critical .
28 Full-back Tony Clement is also out after suffering a stress fracture of the right ankle and is replaced by Mike Rayer .
29 Miss J. has pretty well run him and now he 's doing a roaring trade and has just married a daughter of Lord Lytton , he 's evidently right in with the right lot of people … and what a God 's mercy that for once in a way these people have got hold of the right man and what a thing for England . ’
30 It was not a new idea , especially to the British who had long known the social significance of the right address or style of house .
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