Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun pl] ' interests " in BNC.

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1 Carry out duties and responsibilities conscientiously and with proper regard for the employers ' interests .
2 That capital market imperfections might create discrepancies between share price and underlying value is a significant point , however , because it indicates a possible divergence between the shareholders ' interests and the general interest in economic efficiency in the long term .
3 The exclusivity of the members ' interests
4 Once a company is insolvent , or in danger of becoming so , the directors must also take account of the creditors ' interests .
5 That the Code is a statement to the profession of the primacy of the patients ' interests .
6 The expert refused to do what the lessors wanted him to do , namely to rewrite his certificate in a way which he thought would make the certificate conclusive against the lessees ' interests .
7 In addition the place of operation of subsidiaries must be given and the particulars of associated companies together with the directors ' interests in the companies ' shares .
8 The concerns about what to wear , the latest haircuts and how to deal with acne were subjects I knew well — and I could identify with the girls ' interests too .
9 Working initially in pairs and then in groups , pursue the question : " What would you like to do a drama about ? " , seeking to find a dramatic starting point which stems from the interviewees ' interests .
10 It may well be in the defenders ' interests to consider a minimum Tender justifiable , with some educated guess work , on the scraps of information available , in the expectation that if the pursuer is not to accept the Tender , further vouching will have to be produced .
11 However , so far the attitude has tended to be sympathetic — it is not , after all , in the creditors ' interests to exclude a member and thereby reduce earning potential .
12 Limitation of family size will not happen unless it can be done without trespassing on conscience and unless practicable means are available ; and unless it is perceived to be in the families ' interests to do so ( Coale 1973 ) .
13 The game from that period looks just as it did when the original agreement was concluded — because of the infinite horizon assumption every subgame is identical to the original game — and so if it was in the firms ' interests to negotiate that agreement initially it will be in their interests now to renegotiate that agreement .
14 It should be remembered by the advisers that , following completion , the management and the investors will work together as a team and it is not in the investors ' interests to antagonise or demoralise their management team at the outset .
15 It is unlikely to be in the investors ' interests to provide the entrepreneurs with as much as 20% or 25% of the equity at the outset .
16 The model is so named because it describes a mechanism designed to compel managers to act in the shareholders ' interests which depends on vesting owner-like rights in the shareholders , as mentioned , to appoint , monitor , and replace the most senior tier of management and to make certain other fundamental decisions .
17 In any large firm the managers have considerable scope for indulging in actions which may not be in the best interests of the owners , or for allowing their subordinates a freer rein than might be in the owners ' interests .
18 It 's in the swans ' interests to belong to someone , because it means they 're being looked after .
19 Then it may be in the parties ' interests to leave the money in the account but transfer the benefit of the account to the third party by some other means ; for instance , by the depositor constituting himself a trustee of the account for the benefit of the third party , or by him assigning the money in his account to the third party .
20 Expert clauses very commonly provide that the decision will be final and binding , and it is clearly in the parties ' interests that it should be so .
21 He adds that it is not in the traders ' interests for the elephants to die out .
22 The regionals argue that their presence is in the consumers ' interests .
23 The country worker who came to town lost much of his independence , in spite of the long-established guilds , which had existed from the past to watch over the workers ' interests .
24 Can any kind of social critique be inserted into those courses without being superficial , jejune and irrelevant to the students ' interests ?
25 The main judicial concession to the carriers ' interests was that in such a case , the burden of proving such breach was placed on the shipper .
26 The row followed hard on the heels of Tuesday 's criticism by the Members ' Interests Select Committee that Mr Gummer should have declared work paid for by a giant food company to restore a pond at his Suffolk home .
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