Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] places where [art] " in BNC.

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1 Seven of the eight are well known Black communities and the sites read like a civil servant 's check list of those places where the state expected an uprising ( excluding those with Inner City Partnerships already present ) , yet no race specific dimension was added to their brief .
2 It was in China that the book received a great deal of publicity would generally suggest that in China contrasts with other places where the book did not receive a great deal of publicity .
3 Thus although the sociolinguistic profile " High : Standard English/Low : Creole " holds good throughout the ex-British Caribbean almost without exception , we need to make a distinction between those places where the majority speak a Creole with English-derived vocabulary , and those where most or some of the populace speak a Creole with French-derived vocabulary .
4 He feels his purpose in life is to spread the Christian religion in unexplored places where the people have never heard the word of God .
5 Some grow much better in damp places where the fish could nibble at them when they felt like it or if they needed to — in a similar way to a dog eating grass — and for much the same reason .
6 He walks along the top of ancient city walls , passing secretly among the rooftops , through a world of slates and television aerials and caged birds at dormer windows ; emerges upon high places where the whole city — roofs , towers , domes , and lives — is gathered at his feet , and the immense acreage of its noise comes up to him like the murmur of the sea .
7 It also transpired that parts of England ( east and south-east ) were put on full invasion alert at the time , but it seems that ‘ Cromwell ’ had been ignored in some places where the junior officers who happened to be on duty had not been let into the secret of what it meant .
8 The trick here was never less than eight feet wide and in some places where the ground was soft it spread to thirty or forty feet .
9 Elizabeth , meanwhile , had managed to get down the lane and had reached her father-in-law 's farm , even though the narrow cart track was blocked in several places where the snow had drifted up against the hedge .
10 The existence of a diglossic relationship ( Ferguson 1959 ; Fishman 1965 , 1967 ) — a strict division in terms of function and status — between Standard English ( the " high " variety ) and the local Creole language ( the " low " variety ) , is the norm in most places where a Creole is used .
11 The problem has arisen when the singer has been tempted to take the performance to other places where the context has been less helpful : rushed schedules , routine conducting .
12 Peterborough is perhaps the best known but March in Cambridgeshire and Gainsborough and Spalding in Lincolnshire are among many places where the railway transformed provincial towns .
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