Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [conj] a quarter " in BNC.

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1 Thanks to Mrs Castle 's Diary , we have some intelligence on Wilson Mark I. Elected in October 1964 , he had by early 1969 ( i.e. after four and a quarter years ) reached his 236th ad hoc group .
2 After four and a quarter years , some firms will already have had at least two visits and many in category 1 will be facing a second visit in the near future .
3 The race will be over 5 miles instead of eight and a quarter and is being arranged with the help of Loftus AC road race organiser Peter Clifford .
4 According to Reuters news agency , the draft apparently provided for the election of fewer than a quarter of the 460 Sejm deputies by a first-past-the-post majority vote ; most of the seats would be distributed to parties proportional to the votes won by their national lists of candidates .
5 As it happens , the problems of an unstaged Porgy are hardly less acute — a cast of 24 soloists and a duration of three and a quarter hours are not easily managed in the concert hall .
6 The following season he was back at the Festival as favourite for the Gold Cup , but soft going and the distance of three and a quarter miles proved his undoing , and he finished fifth .
7 But between 1846 and 1850 an annual average of more than a quarter of a million left Europe , in the next five years an annual average of almost 350,000 ; in 1854 alone no less than 428,000 arrived in the United States .
8 The established system may let the Conservatives into office with less than half the popular vote , but it also invites the prospect of a future Labour Government elected to office on perhaps 32 per cent of the vote and with the support of less than a quarter of the electorate as a whole .
9 The Sejm 's draft bill provided for the direct election of less than a quarter of the 460 Sejm deputies , with the remaining seats distributed to parties proportional to the votes won by their national lists of candidates .
10 ‘ Well , I 'm still using the standard setup : five strings on the treble , five strings on the bass and a range of five and a quarter octaves .
11 It needs fabric fullness of two and a quarter to two and a half times the track length , depending on the thickness of the fabric .
12 As well as providing legislative protection , it underpins the collective agreement which provides for a basic shift of seven and a quarter hours plus winding time for underground workers and eight hours for surface workers .
13 It stretches for three and a quarter miles from Leven to the river Hull .
14 Once one thinks in terms of the man on the one hand , and his writings on the other , one is surprise , even , I think , puzzled and disconcerted , by the disparity , the apparent disparity at any rate , between , on the one hand , the frequenter of the Faubourg Saint Germain salons , and , on the other , the author of À la Recherche , between the rather eccentric hypochondriac and the observer in the novel of human weakness , erm between perhaps the often precious and whimsical Figaro columnist and the architect of an astonishingly complex and lengthy novel , amounting to something like one and a quarter million words .
15 This was augmented by Hastings 's conversion and two penalties , and only now , with more than a quarter of the match gone , did France pull themselves together and begin to pull back the Lions ' lead .
16 Europeans were divided in 1880 into states as small as Montenegro , with less than a quarter of a million inhabitants , and as large as Russia , with between 90 and 100 million .
17 The use of prohibitions was either barred or restricted in certain cases — in those concerned with less than a quarter of the tithes of a parish , and with violence against the clergy , for example .
18 A third of the women in the ‘ specials ’ are diagnosed as suffering from a psychopathic disorder , compared with less than a quarter of the men .
19 In the darkness and silence of Duval-Leroy 's cellars in nearby Chalone sur Marne , you 'll find more bottles of Champagne than there are people living in London — some 12 million bottles all told , ageing quietly along two and a quarter miles of underground alleyways and lanes .
20 Now it accounts for less than a quarter .
21 In 1989 they accounted for more than a quarter of BR 's total charter-train revenue — and the trend is ever upwards .
22 At one point the queue stretched four deep for more than a quarter of mile .
23 The SNP needs a swing of nearly 9 per cent but the polls show the Nationalists gaining ground in Scotland and Labour and the Liberals — who accounted for more than a quarter of the vote in Galloway last time — are likely to be squeezed .
24 One woman with this problem , whose rather self-absorbed elderly mother used to keep her on the telephone for hours with doom-laden conversations , solved it by telling her that she had developed migraine which was always triggered off by holding a phone to her ear for more than a quarter of an hour at a time !
25 The Soviet Union has now been a socialist state for more than sixty years : many countries in Western Europe have been socialist for more than a quarter century ; and Asia has not only the Chinese experiment in socialism but other countries in Asia , Africa and the Americas have experimented with socialism .
26 Schools and their children have suffered change after change for more than a quarter of a century , especially since the Tories came to power .
27 For more than a quarter of a million motorists , choosing a car can be an especially frustrating experience .
28 Runciman had sympathisers within the Federation in favour of a more liberal approach which , he believed , would bring a ready response from Wilson , but they were in a minority to those dominated by the formidable George A. and Cuthbert Laws , father and son , whose implacable anti-union line prevailed for more than a quarter of a century .
29 ‘ I doubt if Aldhelm would have lain helpless for more than a quarter of an hour from that blow on the head .
30 For more than a quarter of a century historians have been using computers to help analyse voting behaviour in English parliamentary elections .
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