Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] the very [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yet what really were the chances of seeing the very car you 'd been asked to look out for ?
2 Finally , we can reverse the terms of the argument , insisting that women 's difference from men is not the cause of sexism but an effect of sexism ; social practices like not hiring women in certain positions or allowing them to become leaders have the effect , over time , of producing the very differences which are then used to justify the original discrimination .
3 In highlighting gender differences in deviance , there is the risk of overplaying such dimensions and of confirming the very stereotypes that one is attacking in curriculum materials .
4 We can see from Labour 's amendment J that Councillor , as I said earlier , intends to go down the same old socialist way of providing the very type of housing that is currently failing tenants .
5 It also has the benefit of involving the very people who will carry the burden of implementing the decisions made — the teachers themselves .
6 They are in favour of increasing the very centralisation and bureaucratisation which is the root cause of our present educational malaise .
7 Joanna Wood , 48A Pimlico Road , SW1 , is one of those shops that sells charming fripperies , the sort of place where you can be sure of finding the very thing for someone who would prefer to buy their own toaster but who would love to be given a Limoges breakfast set or monogrammed shoe-bag .
8 As a result , the panel actually gets in the way of discovering the very information it is there to find out .
9 ‘ Can you blame me for holding the very opinion which you deliberately instigated ?
10 First , when you 're told from every conceivable angle that something is , in itself , dangerous you can be lulled into thinking the very opposite .
11 But alongside tackling the very substance of health care , Sir Thomas , who will be 70 next month , has been the figurehead at the helm of reforms which have seen sweeping — and often bitterly opposed — changes in the machinery governing delivery of the health service in the city .
12 * The Polonoreste rural development and road construction project in western Amazonia which , although intended to boost economic opportunities for poorer farmers , had as its principal effect another wave of forest destruction and consequent soil erosion , as the government was unable to " keep incoming migrants from exploiting the very areas which the programme was designed to protect " .
13 Lords Leader Lord Wakeham said : ‘ Those who find the arguments attractive in this case might … contribute to undermining the very system of parliamentary democracy it is their professed aim to protect . ’
14 He believes that the way ahead lies in the establishment of an international food policy which concentrates on obtaining the very maximum from crops .
15 Can prizes be awarded without compromising the very foundation on which National Certificate assessment is built ?
16 ‘ If you believe otherwise you 're lying to yourself , ’ he said of his contention that a white person was not equipped to make a film about black people and he refuted accusations of misogynism in his movie by dismissing the very concept , stating ‘ misogynism is not a black term .
17 But as one might have predicted , such opposition backfired by confirming the very claims which the Free Presbyterians made about the great apostasy and the undemocratic nature of Terence O'Neill 's rule .
18 But Sartre 's own text here develops a dialogism in the tension between these two possibilities which becomes an increasingly dominant characteristic of his regressive-progressive method and ends up by detotalizing the very totalization which he sought to prove .
19 On the one hand , law is one means by which the political system wields its power against the peace movement , by prosecuting , fining or imprisoning individual protestors , by altering bye-laws or by controlling the very right to protest .
20 And what a trick Fate had played on him by putting the very qualities he had wanted to see in that son in a daughter .
21 One might even argue that the monist , if he followed the logic of his position , would not be able to discuss language at all : if meaning is inseparable from form , one can not discuss meaning except by repeating the very words in which it is expressed , and one can not discuss form except by saying that it appropriately expresses its own meaning .
22 Hypertext makes this nonsequential approach possible by offering the very connections needed to jump instantly to other locations in a database where you find related information which interests you .
23 It is sometimes said that if one wishes to reject such values one must do so by rejecting the very concepts incorporated in such words , and can not do this merely by applying their negation .
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