Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [subord] [art] child " in BNC.

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1 Concerns about dehydration if the child refuses to drink from any other source keeps these mothers in a state of anxiety and so they capitulate to their child 's demands to continue breastfeeding .
2 Negativism ( sometimes called oppositional behaviour ) is an exaggerated form of resistance when a child becomes stubborn and ‘ contrary ’ , often doing quite the opposite of what the mother or father wishes .
3 It also comes in handy in cases of defiance when the child digs its heels in and says ‘ No ! ’ or ‘ Wo n't ! ’
4 Obviously , a child returning from school to find his own study quarters where he has books at his disposal and sympathetic parents who can offer cogent remarks on his work and broaden his outlook with lively , stimulating conversation , will be able to get more out of education than a child who , when doing his homework , has to share the kitchen table with plates , cutlery and cruet as well as the pet cat and having to contend with ‘ Crossroads ’ as the main intellectual challenge of the evening .
5 Children 's behaviour problems become a focus of concern when the child is behaving inappropriately or excessively for their age .
6 On the other hand , requiring the child to reproduce phrases and sentences may lead to a lower level of performance as the child seeks to make sense of the adult constructions and in doing so reinterprets them through her own emerging system of grammatical rules .
7 It also states that the findings do not support or detract from the Gardner report in 1990 , which found that cancers occurred in children whose fathers had been exposed to high levels of radiation before the child was conceived .
8 Where parents are not actually caring for the child at the time of the application the court must consider whether they would be likely to offer a reasonable standard of care if the child were returned to them .
9 It is hoped to gain some knowledge of how families view the role of secrecy as the child grows up .
10 This is a very serious condition of childhood where the child fails to make sufficient weight and growth gain ( Drotar 1985 ) .
11 ‘ This is a subject on which judges need , and should have , expert assistance from a clinical psychologist and not be left to flounder through what may be an ill-informed and perfunctory form of inquisition before the child gives evidence . ’
12 There are seven discussion lists on the network including RESPONSE where a child makes her or his first introductory contact , and KIDCAFE and KIDACT where the discussion and dialogue occur .
13 A care order other than an interim order will continue in force until the child 's eighteenth birthday unless it is brought to an end sooner ( s91(11) ) .
14 A child born less than a year after its elder sibling is twice as likely to die in infancy than a child born two to three years after .
15 Video-recorded interviews with police , social workers or others concerned with child welfare or criminal investigation should be admissible in court if the child is under 14 , the group recommends .
16 The basic vocabulary of around 350 signs can be combined in sentences as the child develops the ability to use and understand signs .
17 The researcher found that there was a rapid decrease in outbursts as the child got older after the peak age of eighteen months .
18 You will be moving round the room from child to child because every child is doing something different , different as an individual — if he is not it is perhaps your fault .
19 Like any protective grandmother , she keeps a careful hand on Thea-Josephine as the child balances precariously on her father 's shoulders .
20 But it is still against the spirit of the Act to impose restrictions on contact where a child is accommodated by a local authority .
21 Thirdly , Gardner et al , in their case-control study of leukaemia and lymphoma diagnosed during 1950–85 among young people in West Cumbria , concluded that the excess occurred among children whose fathers had high levels of exposure to radiation before the child was conceived , and perhaps particularly in the preceding six months ; they suggested that some cases were the result of paternal germ cell mutations , and that this could explain the excess in this geographical area .
22 A supervision order may be made pending appeal if the child is the subject of an interim supervision order at the time of dismissal .
23 Sometimes as adults if a child for instance asks the question ‘ what is death ’ it is very easy to go into quite a long diatribe about life and death and get really profound , whereas in fact all a child may be wanting to know is how do you know if somebody 's dead , how can you tell the difference between somebody being dead and somebody being asleep ?
24 Behaviour has to be shaped up , bit by bit until the child is able to complete the whole of it as one process .
25 The technique of guidance is often used by parents when a child refuses to comply with a request or instruction .
26 Abortions are also recommended by doctors when the child may be born afflicted with a severe mental or physical handicap ( e.g. ‘ Down 's syndrome ’ ) which may affect the mother or existing children .
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