Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [prep] [art] higher " in BNC.

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1 The reason I ask is this ; Last season my club achieved promotion in the Courage League and naturally all the players were very pleased and excited by the prospect of competing at a higher level of rugby .
2 The third , Vulcanian phase , also probably reflects this de-gassing process , with gas escaping from the magma below accumulating in the higher parts of the volcano , and then blasting its way to the surface .
3 Erm I mean the if you , if you 're looking at erm at er at , at , at the costs on that erm I mean do you , do you think that er er that that 's a reasonable sum to , to actually put aside ea each month to provide that sort of protection or , or perhaps you ought to be thinking of , of looking at a higher figure .
4 Here the convention of changing media out of respect for the person merges into another category , that of changing to the higher medium for a more serious subject-matter .
5 The convention is sustained , but subtly mocked , in Twelfth Night , where Viola , bearing the suit of Orsino , waits until Maria leaves before launching into the higher style appropriate to romance ( I.v.167ff . ) .
6 Early indications that importers are having difficulty in passing on the higher costs of imports , and the latest savings ratio of 11.6 per cent in 1992 , compared with 9.7 in 1991 and 12.4 in 1981 , caused little surprise .
7 Erm you will also in going for the higher end of the range , er be prejudicing the urban regeneration objectives of those neighbouring districts .
8 Darwin 's own Descent of Man , published the previous year , also marshalled evidence to show how the growth of moral faculties like self-control , love and altruism were key elements in progressing towards a higher moral culture .
9 ‘ I 'm not suggesting a wholesale restructuring , merely that a few of the top ladies could benefit from participating at a higher level of competition ’ .
10 Even though I am used to playing at a higher level I still feel under pressure when I entered county cricket , so I needed the guys to rally round . ’
11 Promotion is awarded to the person who demonstrates they are the most suitable for the advertised vacancy and for working in the higher grade .
12 factors such as the protein erythropoietin can stimulate red blood cell amplification and there is an increased production of erythropoietin when there is a shortage of oxygen , caused , for example , by going to a higher altitude .
13 They make profits by lending at a higher rate of interest than the rate they pay on deposits .
14 Since he re-sells as owner it follows that he can keep any profit he makes by re-selling at a higher price than the original buyer had agreed to pay .
15 Warm weather gives a golfer the chance of maximising distance simply by changing to a higher compression ball .
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