Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [art] [adj] rate " in BNC.

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1 Management in particular is not about the preservation of the status quo , it is about maintaining the highest rate of change that the organization and the people within it can stand .
2 But these excuses for over-running the planned rate of increase of the money supply do not touch the central problem , which is the planned rate of increase itself .
3 At present , interest on deposits is paid after deducting a fixed rate of tax , which can not be reclaimed by non-taxpayers .
4 Instead of maintaining a fixed rate or parity against the dollar , other major currencies were allowed to float in the foreign exchange market .
5 I find that only eggs on the outside of the mass are likely to hatch , and have developed a way of maximising the hatching rate .
6 As to a two-speed Europe , Britain already meets most of the criteria drafted by the Dutch presidency for membership of the fast track , in terms of having a low rate of inflation and the stability of our exchange rate .
7 In the United Kingdom , one method of estimating the real rate of interest is to note the yield on index-linked gilt-edged securities .
8 , The UK government is considering introducing a reduced rate of value-added tax ( VAT ) on environmentally friendly goods .
9 The taxation procedure is a method of assessing a reasonable rate of overall payment for the task carried out .
10 If such a trade-off exists , one benefit of tolerating a higher rate of inflation will be a lower level of unemployment .
11 There were echoes here of 1984 , the year in which the main associations of the book world set up a joint committee to run a vigorous campaign to fight the then Thatcher government 's rumoured intention of levying a positive rate of VAT on books and learned journals .
12 of Labour voters , support my right hon. Friend 's policy of reducing the standard rate of tax from 25p to 20p in the pound ?
13 Unless there were special factors involved and although I can not recall a situation where we 've paid for a person to go into that 's for members to discuss , not me , but we have certainly paid an enhanced rate where somebody wanted to go to live near their daughter who was in and we felt that was a legitimate reason for paying a higher rate and , and , and we did do so , so there are other types of flexibility .
14 Trust expenses are not deductible in ascertaining the basic rate tax liability of the overseas trustees ( Aikin v MacDonald ( 1894 ) 3 TC 306 ) .
15 Kippin says that it is ‘ a year or two ’ away from producing a formal rate card , but sees pan-European deals becoming increasingly important .
16 It is of interest that sucralfate alone was also effective in speeding the healing rate of gastric ulcers and this is in keeping with previous studies on ulcer healing properties of this drug in animal models and in humans .
17 It will be recalled that , in the expectations-augmented Phillips curve , Friedman had assigned to aggregate demand a prominent , independent and direct role , summarized in the magnitude of f(U) , in determining the actual rate of inflation .
18 The North , by and large , has fared better than most regions in avoiding a high rate of repossessions .
19 For second home owners , it will be up to local authorities to use their discretion in setting a lower rate of charge for certain properties .
20 The plan had succeeded in reducing the annual rate of inflation from 70 to 10 per cent , and had reduced the ratio of public debt to GDP from 206 to 132 per cent .
21 The same government that reduced substantially the taxation rates for the very rich did very little , apart from reducing the basic rate of tax from 33 per cent to 30 per cent , for the low-income groups .
22 The European currency unit ( ECU ) is used as a basis for calculating a central rate for each member s currency .
23 Social security has always been committed to meeting a reasonable rate .
24 Most lenders ' discounts are for a limited period only , after which you will revert to paying the standard rate — this table provides a guide to lenders ' competitiveness , which should be taken into account when making your mortgage choice .
25 For example , where particular clients agree that their money may be placed with a particular bank with a view to earning a higher rate of interest but correspondingly accepting a greater risk of default by the bank , those clients ' claims will form part of a separate pool consisting of the assets placed with that bank or ( in the case of a designated fund account ) with a group of such banks .
26 A statement issued by the London Society for Antique Dealers also criticised the move and quoted the figure of 25% , missing or ignoring the fact that seller 's commission is extremely flexible , to the point of being cut out altogether in some cases , hence the reason for imposing the new rate on the buyer 's premium , which is non-negotiable .
27 The EC proposes to tax imports from outside the EC by applying the reduced rate of tax to the full price , or , in the case of those countries like the UK and Denmark which do not have a reduced rate , the standard rate to 30% of the price .
28 Daedalus is designing a novel house extension , a variable-pressure bedroom , which may purchase an extra few years of life for its proud owners by slowing the metabolic rate of that third of their lifetime which they spend asleep .
29 By subtracting the slow rate at which the planet 's surface is rising in the Barbados area , known from previous geological work onshore , he could work out where sea level stood at different times in the past .
30 This may be manipulated by subtracting the riskless rate from both sides and dividing the result by the standard deviation of the portfolio 's returns to obtain , This may be interpreted as saying that , in equilibrium , the ex-post risk premiums per unit of risk on well-diversified portfolios should be the same as the risk premium per unit of risk for the market portfolio .
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