Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] paid [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 However , if there is then an advancement to the unmarried minor out of capital , that capital is treated as income paid to the child to the extent of the accumulated income .
2 Raym. 742 in which it was held that indebitatus assumpsit lay for money paid under the sentence of a court which had no jurisdiction .
3 I took the woman 's advice and looked for work paid by the hour .
4 Surplus ACT carried forward is treated as ACT paid in the next accounting period ( s 239(4) ) .
5 The surplus was of course paid to the client .
6 Can an order for repayment to an investor of money paid by the investor pursuant to an investment transaction induced by a contravention of section 47 be described as an order to take steps to remedy the contravention ?
7 The scheme was not greatly used and was complemented by a Voluntary Advice Scheme under which solicitors would give up to half-hour 's advice for a fiat fee of £1 paid by the client irrespective of means .
8 This sum includes transport to Vietnam and a ‘ reintegration assistance package ’ of $620 paid to the boat people once they are back in Vietnam .
9 We will certainly need very soon to reconsider the levels of subscriptions paid by the employed Bar in comparison with those paid by those in private practice .
10 ( i ) Petition and a copy ( and an additional copy for the supervisor of a voluntary arrangement unless he is the petitioner ) and a further copy for the petitioner or his solicitor ; ( ii ) affidavit verifying the petition with a copy of the petition exhibited ( see section 9 below ) ; ( iii ) receipt for deposit of £240 paid to the official receiver ( Insolvency Fees ( Amendment ) Order 1990 ) -this sum can be paid to the court who will remit it to the official receiver ; ( iv ) affidavit of service of statutory demand ( if applicable ) ; ( v ) court fee : £45 .
11 One of the major achievements of the journeymen in the nineteenth century had been to succeed in having both kinds of work paid at the same rate .
12 Urgently needed is the same kind of attention paid to the literature of the western country that has one of the most resilient Africanist populations in the world — a population that has always had a curiously intimate and unhingingly separate existence within the dominant one .
13 The refund is in respect of contributions paid by the company prior to 31 December 1992 .
14 Instead they have called for the diversion of subsidies paid to the nuclear power industry--one of the reasons why coal-based electricity is " uncompetitive " --to the development and improvement of technologies which burn coal more efficiently and more cleanly .
15 So in fact there may be a quality of treatment actually between someone retiring at fifty or fifty-five in terms of the number of years paid into the pension fund , as someone say age seventy .
16 ‘ In consideration of the sum of £4,000 paid by the vendor to the purchaser ’ — that is by C.T .
17 There are provisions dealing with the repayment of loans paid to the settlor. ( a ) Loans paid off Where the capital sum paid to the settlor is a sum paid by way of loan and the whole of that loan is repaid , no part of that sum shall be treated as the settlor 's income for any year of assessment after that in which the repayment occurs ( TA 1988 , s677(4) ( a ) ) .
18 The common types of consideration paid for the acquisition of Target will be cash , debentures in Newco , shares in Newco , or the right to future shares or debentures in Newco ( perhaps as part of an " earn-out " arrangement or deferred consideration ) .
19 This , sadly , has to be reflected in the size of royalty paid to the publisher .
20 The proportion of allowances paid at the highest rate ( in ‘ haute montagne ’ ) in 1981 was only 5% ; 78% in the ‘ montagne ’ zone and 16% in the ‘ piedmont ’ zone .
21 Legrand denied any credibility to allegations of dividends paid to the PS by Luchaire .
22 This data set contains direct DHSS observations of unemployment duration and unemployment benefits which allow the construction of error-free estimates of benefits paid over the unemployment spell for all individuals in the sample .
23 Mr Dromgoole said this would flatten , if not drop in the new year , as the group reins back its activities to minimise the amount of levy paid to the Government .
24 If the persons are found to be employees , the vendor will be liable to the Inland Revenue and Department of Social Security ( DSS ) for PAYE and national insurance contributions due in respect of emoluments paid to the employees before the date of the transfer .
25 Each shareholder of ( and beneficial owner of shares in ) an incorporated practice is required to submit to the Council a covenant , the effect of which will be that the costs of grants paid from the Compensation Fund in respect of the practice will in certain circumstances be recoverable from its shareholders .
26 Since the average rate of interest paid on the deposits was about 9 per cent ( Mates 1986 ) , the banks would have needed to charge an average interest rate on their counterpart dinar loans of over 50 per cent in order to cover themselves .
27 Earnings per share fell from 27.3p to 15.8p , but BG will pay a total dividend of 14.2p for last year , against 10.25p paid for the nine-month trading period to the end of 1991 .
28 Annual holiday camps are held for boys and girls from poorer families who otherwise would not get away , with costs paid by the RUC ; these are so popular that parents ring requesting that their children be allowed to go again .
29 What the report comprises is a wide ranging resum'e of Norfolk 's ( un ) employment situation in the mid 1980s , with attention paid to the sectoral , occupational , temporal , spatial and socio-economic dimensions .
30 This list shows that more than £90,000 was subscribed in debentures besides £15,000 paid in the locality for shares , and £20,000 paid on promissory notes by the early directors .
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