Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] itself [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It is obvious that her cares very deeply about the theatre and acting , from the teaching of drama itself to the condition of theatre countrywide .
2 Ironically , the society is having to fight against the forces of nature itself in the bid to stop the reedbed being swallowed by fast-encroaching willows and scrub which would destroy much of the area 's significance .
3 MacDonald told him that if he had tried to stop it , there would have been a riot , and that it had required all his influence to prevent his followers from singing the ‘ Red Flag ’ in the House of Commons itself on the night the Baldwin Government fell .
4 At the present point in time there are those who are of the opinion that no sacrifice is too great for our democracy , least of all the sacrifice of democracy itself to the power of the judges and enslaving legal limitations .
5 Conviction oozes from every sentence like the very ichor of life itself from the metal life-support systems of the Bronze Giant of Fangorak .
6 The civilization founded on these existed in mature form in the United States of America in 1880 , and had just been extended , at last , to the whole of Europe itself outside the extreme south-eastern corner .
7 In America Dr James Tyler Kent was appalled by such modifications , feeling that many of the practices which Hahnemann had campaigned against had crept into the practice of homoeopathy itself in the one hundred or so years since its rediscovery .
8 Probably the best known Vulcanian deposit is one produced by an eruption of Vulcano itself in the 1880s .
9 She looked a little worn and bleary-eyed , though her long , lion-coloured hair shone like health itself in the brassy sunlight of mid-day .
10 It behaves just like Tit for Tat itself after the first move , but — this is what makes it technically nasty — it does defect on the very first move of the game .
11 Just as children are very familiar with drama itself through the dramatic fictions that they see enacted on television and on film , so too they have encountered the idea of still images in other contexts : their own family snapshots , freeze frame on the video recorder , sculptures , waxworks and comic strips .
12 This bias was no doubt at least partially a reflection of the haphazard organization of policing in Britain itself at the beginning of the nineteenth century .
13 This year Farnborough also has a skate scene emerging from Farnborough itself for the first time since about 1981 .
14 The programmes on the computers , also accessible to visitors to Pompeii itself in the small museum at Boscoreale , are the culmination of what is known as the Neapolis project .
15 Both local associations pointed unambiguously to slavery itself as the disruptive factor ; only with emancipation would ‘ a Population of turbulent Slaves [ be ] converted into one of peaceable Colonists ’ .
16 In the world of education and in the year of the Woods Hole conference , Britain had to content itself with the Crowther Report , which , even at the time of its publication and even more plainly in retrospect , reads more like an epitaph than a prophecy .
17 GEC is refurbishing 10 clean rooms at a cost of £7m , as the company bids to catapult itself to the forefront of GaAs wafer technology alongside US and Japanese rivals .
18 What the company will contribute or take from OMG is unclear , even to Sybase itself at the moment ; it says it is keeping an eye on developments .
19 She is beyond time , and yet she is giving birth to time itself At the moment of birth , her baby is the very youngest member of the human race , its star of hope and its future .
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