Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] at the moment " in BNC.

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1 In fact , Conservative opposition in the Lords is proving very important , and if Colonel is concerned about the future level of the police budget , why does n't he do a bit more to stop this nationalisation of the police going through parliament at the moment , and I just want to quote the , the words of Conservative Chairman of the Sussex police authority , over the years from nineteen eighty-two to nineteen ninety-three , four of them , and the most senior of course , who led the Association of County Councils for the Conservatives .
2 For instance at the moment we are running one on statistical techniques for Third World officials .
3 Let's move on to perhaps some of the legal aspects and some of the areas where we are actually concerned about violence at the moment .
4 ‘ The only different thing about Maisie at the moment is that she has to go to hospital to have treatment .
5 Point taken , and I really feel sorry for Rocky at the moment , and hope he does n't leave , but I think with a player like Strachan at the club , who I believe is one of the best players in the Premier League at the moment , I think it would be foolish to leave him out .
6 They are showing there is no substitute for experience and the only disappointment for Tranmere at the moment is the crowd , or rather lack of it .
7 Far too big for Steven at the moment son .
8 Oh dear , the wheels really do seem to be coming off Ollie at the moment .
9 I 've got a , er comb , I 've got one of those that I use for Anthony at the moment and why brush ?
10 It 's hit towards the halfway line , Alan the sole defender for Blackburn at the moment , he plays it to his right , forward it goes to now that 's a good ball down the far side of the field , plenty of er men available , 's one of them inside the penalty area , the cross was n't so good from and it 's gon na run harmlessly behind for a goal kick .
11 That is the state of play at the moment . ’
12 Right then , Lawrence , what 's the current state of play at the moment ?
13 I 'm all out of tact at the moment . ’
14 He added : ‘ I 'm bowling without a great deal of luck at the moment but I feel good about my game . ’
15 She could see in Mary 's eyes a gleam that meant she was calculating , not what she might owe to Alice , but what she was accumulating , of course at the moment only in imagination , for the purchase of their flat , or house .
16 And of course at the moment there 's hardly anybody taking the A levels necessary to go into the engineering stream throughout the university itself .
17 He 'd so love to see people and of course at the moment
18 Which of course at the moment on the one two five line are excellent .
19 Of course at the moment they 're very unfriendly in that you have to learn to type .
20 Of course at the moment environmental health is very much an in subject , especially with the Environmental Protection Act of 1990 , and your profession has the marvellous opportunity of seeking to safeguard the environment and also the threats that we have at the present time which are upon the environment , from so many sources but , most of all particularly in the eastern counties , from the population explosion , which we here in South Cambridgeshire know quite a bit about .
21 Hm , it 's not worth paying a lot of money at the moment , when you get better at it Back pack 's it is , seven ninety nine .
22 Yeah well I said to Geoff , well I hope Geoff soon gets his money because he owes Geoff a lot of money at the moment !
23 But , once again , let me be on the positive side because I mean there 's no doubt about it there are firms which are doing extremely well in spite of recession at the moment , and they are training people as well , but they 're not training in numbers we really need when we go across the patch as a whole .
24 Were out of stock at the moment I 'm afraid , when we do have them in , there twelve pounds , twenty five .
25 Oh I plenty of industry at the moment , yeah .
26 In emphasising the state of mind at the moment of death , it carried overtones of remoter creeds .
27 The man on the Belgium desk at the Foreign Office was being driven to despair by what was coming out of Brussels at the moment but Henry saw no reason to say so .
28 He also intends to develop the cash dispenser business , which accounts for 1.5% of turnover at the moment .
29 It 's really out of condition at the moment because it 's permed and highlighted and when I 'm filming it gets sprayed to death so it just gets even dryer .
30 Do n't take any notice of this , this is my friend Marc here , he 's speaking a lot of crap at the moment .
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