Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] carry out [art] " in BNC.

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1 In 1984 the Anglian Water Authority applied for permission to carry out a land-drainage scheme on the Stour between Stratford St Mary and Flatford Mill , with the purpose of converting the riverside pasture to oil-seed rape .
2 Therefore , it was possible for subjects to carry out a certain amount of integration of information even when they did not know the theme of the passage .
3 He had called in a local firm of builders to carry out the essential brickwork , plastering and re-tiling on the roof ; after that , he took a hand in the redecoration personally , splashing on new paint and putting up wallpaper .
4 Primary schools will of course carry out a range of cross-curricular work , but there can be great benefits from this approach at secondary level also .
5 When Bishop Compton of Lichfield carried out a national survey in 1676 , it was estimated that five percent of the county 's population were ‘ sectaries ’ .
6 Towards the date for closure of Banstead , in mid-1986 , two researchers from the national offices of MIND carried out a brief study of the closure process .
7 According to his instructor at the Borders Parachute Club , Wakenshaw had the presence of mind to carry out a textbook emergency descent to save his life .
8 In 1936 the Ministry of Labour carried out a pioneer survey of private sector employers ' pension scheme membership , finding that women comprised about 20 per cent of the total membership of around 1.6 million persons .
9 Notice of intention to carry out a review and an alteration to the Lothian Region structure plan .
10 The Buddy Bear Centre — a former school — is currently without public funding , until the Department of Education carry out an inspection to assess it .
11 The issue of competence to carry out a review is critical considering that in only a quarter of all cases were outsiders much involved .
12 It also alleges they hired Norman White , 30 , of Gloucester , with the promise of £30,000 to carry out the killing .
13 The lack of training to carry out the job .
14 For two days she remained at large despite a posse of pupils carrying out an inch-by-inch search of the building .
15 Police say two crews of men carried out the work and are seeking two men in their 50s driving a red transit van and three men in their 30s driving a small van .
16 LIFESPAN uses a hierarchy of Options to carry out the required tasks , each option consisting of one or more Pages .
17 It might be possible to use an annual grant of £300 to carry out the necessary paintwork .
18 It might be possible to use an annual grant of £300 to carry out the necessary paintwork .
19 Others crouched on their haunches and kicked out their back legs behind them , like men carrying out a complex fitness programme .
20 Against this background , the Threshold Foundation provided Stephen Fulder and me with funds to carry out an 18-month survey to gather information on scientific , social , education and legal aspects of complementary medicine .
21 As part of the 1993 Business Challenge , organised by the Industrial Society , schools teamed up with companies to carry out a range of special projects .
22 Henry himself marched into Anjou to carry out a similar policy and sent Geoffrey to do the same in Brittany .
23 A Special Movement Order had to be obtained from the Department of Transport before permission to carry out the operation involving the 25ft-wide loads could be obtained .
24 A Special Movement Order had to be obtained from the Department of Transport before permission to carry out the operation involving the 25ft-wide loads could be obtained .
25 The class in question carried out a project on the Celts and the Iron Age , using a range of evidence both from archaeology and from written accounts of the Romans .
26 Also Chris Protheroe was still in Lusaka carrying out the more routine , though no less important , procedures in the field to ensure that all necessary information was recorded before the team left .
27 Fulfilling her promise , construction began on the monastery in Greyabbey , with craftsmen from the house of Holm Cultra in Cumbria carrying out the work .
28 Surgeons the Great Ormond Street children 's hospital in Lonmdon carried out the operation overnight .
29 The Prosecution alleges that Stokle 's former girlfriend , Shiela Stroud from Staunton carried out the murder attempt with her boyfriend Mark Evans , and a hired hitman Norman White .
30 The second and third ranks of foot were to stay flat on the ground throughout the manoeuvre , and then , in turn carry out the same tactic .
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