Example sentences of "[adj] means that the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This means that the aesthetic exploitation of language takes the form of surprising a reader into a fresh awareness of and sensitivity to , the linguistic medium which is normally taken for granted as an " automatized " background of communication .
2 This means that the civil rights movement in the North will have to involve Catholics on the issue of the local government election register which is weighted against them by property qualifications .
3 Sentences with subjects having definite referents , such as ( 80 ) , assert the definite referent 's having performed the infinitival event based on the fact that perception of this event took place , and , as stated above , this means that the definite referent 's having performed this action must be significant enough to be stated as a fact ( known through the perceptual event having taken place ) .
4 This means that the outer G forme was removed from the press part way through — printing stopped for some reason — and someone dropped it , scattering the letters everywhere .
5 Politically , this means that the technological system is pre-eminent over the social system in an enterprise .
6 This means that the essential choices are left open ; above all , it means that what has already been done is not yet irrevocable .
7 Since the amount of information to be conveyed remains much the same this means that the signal-to-noise ratio will be worse .
8 This means that the Japanese die engineers face a higher risk of engineering changes than their US colleagues .
9 This means that the public-policy process is treated as an end-in-itself .
10 And this means that the vast majority of such statements as ‘ I was envious yesterday ’ are absolutely untrustworthy .
11 The remarkable thing is that one gets exactly the same kind of fringes if one replaces the source of light by a source of particles such as electrons with a definite speed ( this means that the corresponding waves have a definite length ) .
12 This means that the optimal action(s) for a pessimistic decision-maker is ( are ) unaffected and the optimal value is increased by K .
13 This means that the required colours can be squeezed out into the palette before painting .
14 Security for the Loan — All lenders will require the borrower to mortgage the house to them — this means that the legal title to the property is assigned to the lender , however , the borrower still retains the right to live there .
15 This means that the final decision-making responsibility is either formally concentrated in one person or , alternatively , in a collective body — a committee — like the British Cabinet , or the Communist Party Politburo in the Soviet Union .
16 This means that the following relationship holds between modified duration and bond prices .
17 Recall that in a group of families with above-average measured incomes , Y > Y p — this means that the measured apc ( = C/ Y ) will necessarily be less than the long-run apc ( = C/ Y p ) .
18 Because mathematics can not really handle infinite numbers , this means that the general theory of relativity ( on which Friedmann 's solutions are based ) predicts that there is a point in the universe where the theory itself breaks down .
19 This means that the average life of a government is eleven months .
20 If we assume , as seems reasonable , that the total salary bill declines with the grade in the organization , this implies that ; in turn this means that the average cost approaches as G tends to infinity .
21 This means that the individual items in each notebook can rarely be dated with any precision and that notes in one notebook may , and often do , presuppose plans in another ; even within single notebooks it is not always possible to determine whether items in a sequence belong together .
22 And this means that the easy compromise position is unavailable .
23 This means that the thankless task of nagging is of an elevated importance in the unknown band 's armoury of skills : the less notice they take , the more you need to pester them .
24 This means that the only limitation in detail is the type of disc storage available .
25 This means that the only opportunity for perfecting the art of sentencing is by practising on actual offenders .
26 This means that the high-bay system has to be contained within the envelope of a more or less conventional steel portal frame or space-frame structure .
27 This means that the capitalist system is the cause of the crises encountered , and therefore such crises must be ascribed to endogenous factors .
28 This means that the capitalist relations of production dominate the entire world and connect all parts of our ; planet with a firm economic bond .
29 This means that the new tableau will be efficient .
30 This means that the new generation service industries have to be wealth-producers in their own right .
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