Example sentences of "[adj] right to [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 First of all , he can include a patent indemnity , without any exclusion clause tacked on to it , along the lines set out above , providing express but limited remedies , and , in particular , not putting forward an express right to compensation for economic loss .
2 Lily said , ‘ No , we can get Miss Bradshaw 's signature any time we want it ’ , and Vernon shouted that they had a perfect right to loiter on a public pavement .
3 The three abortion cases , which may be reached in December , are unlikely to lead to a clean reversal of Roe v Wade , the 1973 Supreme Court ruling which granted an absolute right to abortion in the first three months of pregnancy and an almost unrestricted right in the next three .
4 That right to freedom of expression includes freedom to impart information and ideas without interference by public authority .
5 The 131-page report went beyond Meech Lake in its proposed redistribution of power from federal to provincial governments , particularly to Quebec , and in acknowledging the inherent right to self-government by Canada 's native Indian and Inuit populations .
6 These regional ministries operate as a normal part of the Whitehall machine except that they are located in Scotland and Wales , and they have the normal right to membership of any Cabinet committees dealing with matters for which they take responsibility in their areas .
7 They might pause to reflect that there are those already born who have an equally strong right to life as an unborn child , and for whom embryo experimentation may give some hope of cure or relief .
8 Thereafter , both under our domestic law and under the Convention , the courts have the power and the duty to assess the ‘ pressing social need ’ for the maintenance of confidentiality ‘ proportionate to the legitimate aim pursued ’ against the basic right to freedom of expression and all other relevant factors .
9 According to the judge , the ‘ decency clause ’ another compromise with Congressmen who threatened to dissolve the NEA was so vaguely worded that it tends to impinge on the First Amendment 's guaranteed right to freedom of speech .
10 ‘ They jointly commit themselves to Ireland 's national right to self-determination on the whole island .
11 There is no law on emotional damages , for instance , if it has never been decided by any statute or precedent or other procedure specified by convention either that people have a legal right to compensation for emotional damages or that they do not .
12 But when he discovers from his review of the precedents that mothers already have a legal right to compensation for emotional injury suffered on a direct view of the accident , and therefore that drivers must already insure against causing emotional damage in those circumstances , the question of insurance costs becomes more complex .
13 Innkeepers have a legal right to payment in advance .
14 The National Council for Civil Liberties ( Liberty ) believes that it is unacceptable that we have no legal right to privacy in this country and that individuals have to look to Europe — waiting many years for a result — for protection against arbitrary interference with this right .
15 In Rawls it can be seen from his model of ‘ pure procedural justice ’ and the assertion of an equal right to liberty as the primary principle .
16 On 19 December 1989 Vinelott J. declared that the plaintiffs were not entitled to object to items in the accounts on the ground that the items were unreasonable in amount except where the items challenged formed part of litigation costs that had been directed to be taxed on an indemnity basis , in which case the plaintiffs could make objections appropriate to a taxation on an indemnity basis unless ( a ) the court had deprived the first defendant ( as mortgagee ) of any relevant costs ; or ( b ) the court had ordered taxation of any relevant costs on some other basis save where there was no inconsistency between such an order and the first defendant contractual right to payment of such costs .
17 ‘ unless … ( a ) the court has deprived the first defendant ( as mortgagee ) of any relevant costs ; or ( b ) the court has ordered taxation of any relevant costs on some other basis save where there is no inconsistency between such an order and the preservation of the first defendant 's contractual right to payment of such costs ( for example , where such an order has been , or is hereafter , made against the mortgagors or any of them and other persons joined as co-plaintiffs or co-defendants with the mortgagors or any of them ) .
18 The ministry demanded more than 400 changes altogether — which Professor Ienaga described as tantamount to censorship and a violation of the constituional right to freedom of expression .
19 So far as privacy was concerned , Malone accepted that there was no general right to privacy in English law , but argued that there was a particular right of privacy , namely the right to hold a telephone conversation in one 's home without molestation .
20 Both countries had democratic monarchies , valued their precious right to freedom of speech , enjoyed a good standard of living yet gave generously to less fortunate nations .
21 ‘ The question is why has n't Durham built them before ? ’ — Every child would be given a statutory right to education from the age of three under a Liberal Democrat government , its Darlington candidate vowed .
22 First , the Act creates a statutory right to compensation for a fall in the value of property arising from the use of highways , aerodromes and other public works which have immunity from actions for ‘ nuisance ’ .
23 The is no statutory right to privacy in the UK .
24 The Bank of England now has a statutory right to information about a bank at any time .
25 And see s.24(3) : [ n ] o goods shall be regarded as having continued to be stolen after they have been returned to the person from whom they were stolen or to other lawful possession or custody or after that person and any other person claiming through him have otherwise ceased as regards these goods to have any right to restitution in respect of the theft .
26 In the first place this tax was not , in my view , paid pursuant to a contract that if the money was held not to have been payable it would then fall due to be repaid , thus excluding any right to interest before Nolan J. 's decision .
27 The substantive right to freedom of expression contained in article 10 is subsumed in our domestic law in this universal basic freedom of action .
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