Example sentences of "[adj] to go [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This entirely new production , due to go on to the Royal National Theatre in London , remains true to the essence of Lorca 's play , and as vibrant as the heat and colours of ‘ the land of sun and shadow ’ .
2 A full council meeting is due to go ahead with the formality of passing the decision taken in January by members of Durham County Council 's social services committee .
3 He was due to go up to the Blue Mountains that morning and she started having pains , she said .
4 The former James Bond star got stagefright only weeks before the curtain was due to go up on the original West End show and made a shock exit .
5 When are you due to go back to the hospital ? ’
6 he , he were due to go back in the army and he overstayed
7 Runswick Bay , a multi-million pound investment by Yorkshire Television , is due to go out on the network five days a week next year .
8 Though it is possible to trace a system of remedies outside the court structure back a thousand years ( Wraith and Hutchesson , 1973 ) , it is unnecessary to go back beyond the National Insurance Act 1911 for an historical background to modern tribunals .
9 As he waxed into an eloquent period , he would realize the absurdity of his situation or the humbug of his pleading and be overcome with internal laughter , a laughter so vast that on occasion it left him too weak to go on with the speech .
10 Canon Wright said : ‘ I believe that to go back on the progress that was made in the convention would be a retrograde step , for what is going to replace it ? ’
11 It is possible to go on with the same therapist to deal with the problems which caused you to need the regression experience in the first place .
12 However , Operation Granby proved that it is possible to go out onto the charter market for ships and find ships from many different nations to perform the tasks that we wanted of them .
13 We must insist on a system of tests that will be for the benefit of the pupils ; that will test what each one can do in practical work and in theoretical understanding ; and will serve as a motive for each to go on to the next stage .
14 At Limoges the Young King was free to go over to the attack .
15 Back in the Company 's suite after debriefing — ‘ You 've proved , ’ said Nils without praise — Jezrael was free to go out on the town .
16 Her grandfather 's insistence that she was free to go out into the world now and take a course of training was so much nonsense .
17 I had said that her view was unreasonable and Syl was free to go out in the evening as he wished .
18 It is easier to go along with the false cheerfulness .
19 Nevertheless , practically all the rules have exceptions and readers may feel that the rules are so complex that it would be easier to go back to the idea of learning the stress for each word individually .
20 While West Germany , for example , was willing to go along with the proposal ( but only if there was a joint system of ECSC subsidy financing ) , the net importers of coal within the Six — France , Italy and the Netherlands — were totally hostile to the notion of national contributions to a joint financing policy .
21 Revealing details of Iraq 's latest assurances delivered on March 20 , Rolf Ekeus , head of the joint UN and International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) special commission on Iraq , told a press conference in New York the same day that his commission was " satisfied there are undertakings that the Iraqis are willing to go along with the destruction [ of ] capabilities " which they had not previously agreed to destroy .
22 As a young person , I am often quite afraid to go out on the streets in case I am approached by one of these grey-haired vandals and informed how much worse the world is these days or interrogated as to why young people do n't have any respect anymore .
23 It is here that psychoanalysis has had its most popular appeal , seeming to explain why some obsessionals continually need to wash their hands , or why some children are desperately afraid of horses or dogs , or why some people are afraid to go out of the house .
24 ‘ People on the estate are afraid to go out in the dark and even too afraid to open their doors . ’
25 well a number of things have come up so let's just take a couple of votes as er , from hearing from a few people and of which people have n't managed to speak so , first of all , er , er people talked about fear being larger than the incidence of assault , are you afraid to go out in the dark ? , button one for yes and button two for no do you find that your afraid to go out in the dark , and then this hundred and that 's a very , I mean that 's , that 's a very significant figure fifty seven out of this hundred women say yes that their afraid to go out in the dark from time to time , I mean that , that is not as it should be , let me ask you are you ever afraid in your own home ? , button one for yes and button two for no and that two is a very worrying figure , twenty nine of of this hundred say yes their afraid in their home , let me ask you this have you trained in self defence ? , button one for yes and button two for no , I mean its something that comes up from time to time and I do n't know what your view and whether or not its a good idea , well twelve of the hundred here have er , eighty eight say no , of those twelve would you recommend it ? , did it make you feel better ? , yes
26 well a number of things have come up so let's just take a couple of votes as er , from hearing from a few people and of which people have n't managed to speak so , first of all , er , er people talked about fear being larger than the incidence of assault , are you afraid to go out in the dark ? , button one for yes and button two for no do you find that your afraid to go out in the dark , and then this hundred and that 's a very , I mean that 's , that 's a very significant figure fifty seven out of this hundred women say yes that their afraid to go out in the dark from time to time , I mean that , that is not as it should be , let me ask you are you ever afraid in your own home ? , button one for yes and button two for no and that two is a very worrying figure , twenty nine of of this hundred say yes their afraid in their home , let me ask you this have you trained in self defence ? , button one for yes and button two for no , I mean its something that comes up from time to time and I do n't know what your view and whether or not its a good idea , well twelve of the hundred here have er , eighty eight say no , of those twelve would you recommend it ? , did it make you feel better ? , yes
27 well a number of things have come up so let's just take a couple of votes as er , from hearing from a few people and of which people have n't managed to speak so , first of all , er , er people talked about fear being larger than the incidence of assault , are you afraid to go out in the dark ? , button one for yes and button two for no do you find that your afraid to go out in the dark , and then this hundred and that 's a very , I mean that 's , that 's a very significant figure fifty seven out of this hundred women say yes that their afraid to go out in the dark from time to time , I mean that , that is not as it should be , let me ask you are you ever afraid in your own home ? , button one for yes and button two for no and that two is a very worrying figure , twenty nine of of this hundred say yes their afraid in their home , let me ask you this have you trained in self defence ? , button one for yes and button two for no , I mean its something that comes up from time to time and I do n't know what your view and whether or not its a good idea , well twelve of the hundred here have er , eighty eight say no , of those twelve would you recommend it ? , did it make you feel better ? , yes
28 But I was afraid to go back to the village .
29 But just around a bend in the road an opposition supporter who was frightened away from the station , Mr Ram Raj Upadhyaya , said : ‘ We are all terrified and afraid to go anywhere near the polling station .
30 We were up early the next morning at 06.00 to go up to the station to catch the 07.19 Leighton - Euston train , which is a semi-stopper , it took an hour to get there .
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