Example sentences of "[adj] attempt [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Beatrice Webb 's admiration for the philanthropic work of Mary Booth rested on the way in which the latter expressed ‘ gentle and loving contempt for any special work outside the ordinary sphere of a woman 's life , [ and ] her high standard of excellence which should discourage any vain attempt to leave the beaten track of a woman 's duty ’ .
2 After gobbling up whatever I could find in the house , I crept into bed and pulled the blankets over my head in a vain attempt to stifle the mocking voices and shut out the ugly visions .
3 Curling his toes in a vain attempt to frustrate the inhospitable lino , Mungo watched , fascinated .
4 There were men clustered in it , and they ducked in a vain attempt to avoid the sweeping mayhem of the laden spar .
5 THE Government faces another ambush over the Maastricht bill after a Labour attempt to resurrect the controversial debate on the social chapter .
6 It was seen as a " literal attempt to apply the Christian ethic to industrial civilisation " .
7 ‘ They ( the reforms ) have been cobbled together too quickly and with too little attention paid to genuine consultation , too little attempt to build the necessary consensus . ’
8 Saddam claimed on Sept. 2 that Iraq had repelled an Iranian attempt to infiltrate the southern marshes , and on Sept 8 he warned that Iraq would " inflict losses on anyone trying to tamper with its unity " .
9 His achievements to date were listed : charges laid on the railway in the Tobruk area on the night of 14 October ; a failed attempt to do the same near Sidi Barani which resulted in the death of the patrol commander , Lieutenant Shorten ; two further breaks in the railway on 24 October ; nine breaks on 29 October , and finally another attack on the track on 31 October .
10 A bitter cup of coffee , a rude salesgirl , a failed attempt to get the right ingredients for a vegetable lasagna , are the signposts of the day , and they are massive .
11 As yet there has been no detailed attempt to assess the possible effects of such hot-spot ‘ migration ’ on landscape development , but there is some evidence from the stratigraphic record of the movement of topographic swells across continents which may be related to the passage of hot spots or similar thermal phenomena .
12 Such was Britain 's brave attempt to evade the dreaded axiom .
13 The accusations of incompetence after the botched attempt to support the anti-Noriega coup in October had stung the Bush Administration .
14 At this point it is sufficient to state that the estimates are based on high quality data supplied by The Scotch Whisky Association 's nine largest companies and they provide the first published attempt to quantify the wider economic significance of this important industry .
15 We 'd just been given leave after the fiasco of Operation Eagle Claw , the so-called attempt to rescue the American hostages from our embassy in Teheran back in 1980 .
16 In another multivariate approach Roome ( 1983 ) used principal components analysis to conclude that professional visitors to nature reserves were positively attracted by fragile species , but amateur visitors by the access provided , and in an interesting attempt to reconcile the different expectations of different types of visitor , Price ( 1979 ) used questionnaires to derive satisfaction curves representing a range of tastes .
17 ‘ What we are seeing here is a well thought-out , carefully crafted attempt to hijack the environmental agenda for ulterior purposes , ’ he declared .
18 The desire for certainty they would interpret as a possessive attempt to deny the divinely-intended distance between God and creation .
19 If that is what is intended , the objector would say , then constructivism is nothing more than a kind of behaviourism ( another attempt to replace the mental by the behavioural ) ; or perhaps we might lump it together with Marxist attempts to ‘ resolve ’ the mind-body problem in terms of ‘ praxis ’ .
20 The various reform movements of the sixteenth century were another attempt to adapt the Christian vision .
21 Convinced by fear that another attempt to manipulate the rigid ropes and frozen krabs at my waist would result in permanent loss of consciousness , I let Roger take over , clipping me into the belay while I lowered by head against the ice , shivering violently , numb fingers screaming with the return of feeling , struggling rationally to convince my swimming brain that this was not the final descent into hypothermic oblivion .
22 With reluctance , Morton decided that he must make another attempt to identify the dead girl .
23 Thakin Nu made yet another attempt to bring the White Flag Communists back into the AFPFL .
24 He made another attempt to lever the odd concrete fact from the slippery pair .
25 It is this attempt to redesign the genetic instructions of living organisms and utilise them on an industrial scale that is creating so much excitement and concern " .
26 … it would be unwise to introduce a prohibition on insider trading before some attempt to prognosticate the economic repercussions of such a prohibition has been made .
27 The plan was a further attempt to persuade the rival regime of Gen. Michel Aoun , the former Army C.-in-C. and self-declared interim Premier of Lebanon , to embrace the October 1989 Taif Accord for Lebanese national reconciliation [ see p. 36986 ] , and followed two recent efforts launched by France and the Vatican [ see p. 37548 ] .
28 This theoretical attempt to explain the ideological , institutional and material aspects of our oppression rejected the biological/Third Sex/'born that way ’ view of homosexuality , and located it firmly within society 's structures .
29 This was the second attempt to install the liberal Komissarov in the post : in January Moscow city soviet had nominated him to replace the hardliner Pyotr Bogdanov , but the USSR Interior Ministry had rejected the nomination on the grounds that it had not been consulted , and had ordered Bogdanov to remain in the post .
30 An agreement to do so was signed in February 1950 , just over a month after the breakdown of the second attempt to replace the 1943 Quebec Agreement .
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