Example sentences of "consider [art] " in BNC.

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1 Eighty years does n't seem a very long time when you consider the art of acting has been prospering in Europe over the last four hundred or so years , quite apart from the great traditions of ancient Greek drama .
2 Many Irish catholic nationalists also consider the British and their Orange allies to have established tyrannical government in a part of Ireland .
3 It seems most surprising that the breweries consider the large open space to be the pub 's ideal internal form , or believe the artificial , standardised ‘ historic ’ pub interior to be preferable to genuine historic detail , when the original internal divisions and features are essential elements of the historic character that customers expect when entering such a building .
4 Also consider the cost , since hedges comprise large numbers of plants .
5 Consider the effects of the wind .
6 In Chapter 3 I will describe in detail the culture created to deal with these ‘ street-visible ’ offenders in a cell-block situation , but suggest the inertia surrounding the whole problem is more easily understood when we consider the social history of such illness ( Foucault 1967 ) , and see how the executive has always allocated the control of such ‘ drunken dossers ’ to the police .
7 For example , consider the scooping block response to the front kick .
8 Consider the following scenario .
9 Consider the sentence ‘ John is tall ’ .
10 At the time of looking up we ascribe an experience of greenness to ourselves ; we consider the experience as something being undergone by us before any decision is taken about its veridicality .
11 Consider the physiologist 's intuition that an increased neuronal firing frequency explains increased intensity of experience .
12 Or consider the density of trope and implication in the following : ‘ New ’ New Criticism would thus claim to respond to literature 's essential nature in which signifiers are prised utterly free of signifieds , aiming , in its no-holds-barred encounter with the text , for a coherence and validity of response , not objectivity and truth ’ ( Hawkes 's italics ) .
13 Consider the implications of successiveness and change in the titles or subtitles of some recent books : After the new Criticism by Frank Lentricchia ; On Deconstruction. : Theory and Criticism After Structuralism by Jonathan Culler ; Displacement. : Derrida and After , edited by Mark Krupnick ; Beyond Deconstruction by Howard Felperin ; The Contest of Faculties. : Philosophy and Theory After Deconstruction by Christopher Norris .
14 Moreover , when we consider the courses that Pound was led into by his conviction of the civic responsibility of the man of letters — his money pamphlets of the 1930s , his desperate visit home in 1938 to keep the USA out of war with Italy , particularly his wartime broadcasts over Rome radio — we have some right to conclude either that the artist has no civic responsibility at all , or else that that responsibility can safely be discharged only in his art and nowhere else .
15 On this hand , consider the problems that West 's overcall seemed to set North-South : Game all , dealer West North 8 4 3 A A K 9 3 K Q 8 7 3 West A K J 10 6 5 2 10 4 J 10 9 4 East 7 2 10 8 7 J 7 6 5 2 A 6 2 South Q 9 6 5 K Q J 9 4 3 Q 8 5 West dealt and passed , North opened One Club and South responded One Heart .
16 Some consider the level of their entertaining to be over-lavish .
17 As an example , consider the difficulty experienced by overseas companies wishing to begin direct operations in Japan , where applications were vetted by the National Planning Authority to ensure that they fitted the national economic plan of Japan .
18 So let us turn from the obstacles to applying in practice the theoretical truism in the first proposition of the Plowden Committee — that ‘ there may now well be excessive social services for some purposes ’ — and consider the second proposition — that there may now well be ‘ inadequate ones for others ’ .
19 As an example , consider the situation of a three-piece band who are about to receive £100,000 as a record company advance ( and they have taken the decision to delay any possible publishing advances until after the release of two singles from the forthcoming album ) .
20 Against that consider the following despicable episode which occurred during that same visit .
21 The individual communities consider the State as the true owner of the land they cultivate in common .
22 At least it does when you consider the Audi 's terrific grip and handling , tireless brakes and great refinement .
23 And that 's a particularly praiseworthy feat when you consider the set of parts the Limited boasts .
24 Consider the following articles , which by chance appeared side by side in the Guardian in 1982 .
25 This is not surprising , when you consider the life history of much of our tap water .
26 However , before you speak to your colleague , consider the possibility that she might already be involved in a relationship .
27 Consider the following examples .
28 Consider the following experimental design for a volunteer studied on his own .
29 Consider the biochemical and physiological changes that are required to exercise efficiently .
30 As a final example consider the passage of air across the skin of our face — a very sensitive area .
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