Example sentences of "calling [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately for the Lions , as the French persist in calling them , they will have had nothing like the preparation time of their opponents .
2 When the runners , who included several international competitors , arrived at the crossing at Strensall , near York , they found a single policeman calling them to a halt .
3 The recreational vehicles — Vauxhall is sensitive about calling them off-roaders — are familiar ; in Japan and in the US they 're the short-wheelbase Isuzu Amigo and the long-wheelbase five-door Rodeo , but in the UK they 're to be the Vauxhall Frontera Sport and Frontera respectively .
4 In the same way he lauded the pilots , calling them ‘ some of the bravest people I 've ever met in my life ’ , apparently not noticing that much of their fortitude was required simply to fly the shocking aircraft and the hapless missions with which he had entrusted them .
5 The faces grinning from the tatty punk regalia looked so depraved and hollow-eyed that I could not bear to think of my American blues friends calling them ‘ sir ’ .
6 People like me are a menace to the AA men , calling them out on Sunday afternoon to rebuild engines that we idly began to dismantle on Sunday morning .
7 But some will wonder about the direction in which the voice is calling them .
8 Less severe forms of sanction include rebuke , withholding of praise and demanding repetition of work ; in more serious cases there may be referral to senior staff , detention , putting a pupil on report , writing to parents and calling them into school , referring the pupil to a special unit in the school and ultimately exclusion from school .
9 Kenny 's thinking of calling them Ken Coats after himself .
10 Within days of the report 's appearance , the Labour Party — after a two-years study that inevitably consulted many of the same people as the prince 's working party — announced a very similar plan , calling them Newton Institutes .
11 New competences may be acquired , others may become redundant as the contexts calling them forth change in relation to the situation of the social actor .
12 However , von Baer regarded the multitude of sperm cells swimming around in the semen as single-celled parasites , and he perpetuated this view by calling them ‘ spermatozoa ’ , i.e. sperm animals .
13 Raised to believe the police are ‘ born to serve ’ , they have no hesitation in calling them to their aid .
14 His talk made me think of the housing estates near Mum 's house , where the ‘ working class ’ would have laughed in Terry 's face — those , that is , who would n't have smacked him round the ear for calling them working class in the first place .
15 He asked those interested or intrigued by the idea to pray as to whether God might be calling them personally to this work .
16 All of them were drawn together on the basis of a conviction similar to our own that God was calling them to something new .
17 They concluded that God was calling them to plant churches .
18 When you replace the receiver after calling them , you get caught up at once by all the other pressing demands on your time , while they , in some cases , may be left sitting in a silent room , turning over everything you have said , and sifting it eagerly for confirmation of your real affection and concern for them .
19 You could move these to locations 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 , for conveniently calling them up from a MIDI pedal .
20 So for our purpose we will refer to all the frame components collectively as spars , and define their applications by calling them as follows : spine , cross-spar , leading edge ( I.e ) , and stand-offs assuming that such terms will be self explanatory .
21 They are n't calling them up , surely ? ’
22 Peter Mandelson , Patricia Hewitt and a number of other Fabian commentators could have behaved more courteously by addressing the Liberal Democrats by their full name instead of calling them Liberals ; Tony Blair could have had the courage to name them at all , instead of subsuming them into a vague phrase about building common cause with other parties ‘ around the world ’ .
23 ‘ We hope that by the end of the season every fan will be calling them AC Milamb and flocking to buy British . ’
24 A new world was calling them .
25 That is why we have designated this Sunday as a Pledge Day and asked our people to pledge what they believe God is calling them to give towards the Project over the next few years .
26 Talented actors usually have to learn to live with critics calling them ‘ the new De Niro ’ .
27 But several readers had pointed out that if evil could not create , was only good perverted , then presumably the orcs had been by nature good and might in some way be saved ; Tolkien certainly balked at calling them ‘ irredeemable ’ , see Letters , pp. 195 , 355 .
28 Addressing someone as ‘ young man ’ or ‘ old boy ’ , shortening their name without their consent , or calling them by their surname alone , are all instances where forms of address may be used to denote the speaker 's higher status .
29 Arkansas people bitterly resent George Bush calling them ‘ the lowest of the low ’ for health , education and pay .
30 Isaiah declares that God 's servant , whom Christians recognise as Jesus Christ , will be ‘ a light for the Gentiles ’ and that God himself ‘ will ‘ beckon ’ them , calling them forth to be part of his purposes of salvation to the ends of the earth' ( Isa. 42.6 ; 49:6 , 22 ) .
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