Example sentences of "turn out " in BNC.

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1 The biographer of T. S. Eliot , who was himself to speak of the ‘ dark ’ experience , of the ‘ rude unknown psychic material ’ , incorporated in his poem The Waste Land , can be seen in Hawksmoor to contribute to the tradition of romantic fabulation which began with the Gothic novel — a tradition in which darkness is privileged , in which a paranoid distrust is evident , in which can be read the evergreen message that the deprived may turn out to be depraved , and in which there can be two of someone .
2 Be that as it may , it may turn out that the preparedness not to acquiesce in any all-Ireland solution is decidedly stronger than most commentators until recently were prepared to accept , except for the work of Bew , Gibbon , and Patterson .
3 It is up to each one of us , he wrote , at every point in our lives , to decide how much order and how much disorder , how much discipline and how much freedom we need for the best realization of our project of the moment , even though that project may turn out to be flawed or even utterly mistaken in the short run , of course I am only talking about the short run , he wrote , in the long run , as I have already said , both success and failure are quite without meaning , the notion of meaning is quite without meaning .
4 Flat fields need to be larger as they may turn out to have slight downhill slopes .
5 Your very first field landing could even turn out to be the most difficult field of your whole gliding career .
6 You might find one in tens or perhaps hundreds of thousands , but even he will turn out a rather feeble specimen . ’
7 For such a beginning writer in such a situation , it may well turn out that a minor master like Landor is more fruitfully instructive than a major master like Milton or Keats : and if it does turn out so , one has a certain debt of honour that must be paid to the past master by whom one was liberated .
8 For such a beginning writer in such a situation , it may well turn out that a minor master like Landor is more fruitfully instructive than a major master like Milton or Keats : and if it does turn out so , one has a certain debt of honour that must be paid to the past master by whom one was liberated .
9 In desperation , he finally raised not only his own glass but also hers — a graphic reminder of how fragile the veterans ' , and by association Mr Li 's own , power may turn out to be .
10 Behind it all was the hand of Nelson Mandela , which may lend the event much significance should it turn out that President FW de Klerk is serious about negotiating with black leaders .
11 We must try to ensure that , as a result of our own genetic manipulation , they do not turn out to be unpleasant surprises .
12 IT COULD be said that the Scottish appetite for golf is so healthy they would turn out to watch anybody play .
13 It may also turn out Mr Livingstone lost because more constituencies this year balloted their full membership , rather than leaving it to their activist general committees to decide .
14 Titled The Dialogic Novels of Malcolm Bradbury and David Lodge , it may yet turn out to be a joke played by Bradbury .
15 Robin Cook , Labour 's spokesman on health , said he believed that commitment may turn out to be ‘ too modest ’ by the time of the next general election .
16 But the undertone was exceedingly fragile , with many traders prepared to bank on the FT-SE falling below 2,200 points in the next few weeks unless the 15 per cent rates do turn out to be just a short-lived shock .
17 ‘ That did n't turn out to be much fun . ’
18 This may , however , turn out to be hokum and Saturday 's Stradey celebration probably provided an imperfect guide to the two clubs ' chances , other than to reveal that here at least there is no chance of capitulation .
19 Yesterday 's denoument will also turn out to be good for Edwards , who will be able to sell his stake for a good deal more than the £10m on offer .
20 Past experience suggests that one or two of them will come to rest in the belly of a fox , and of those that survive several , I fear , will turn out to be cockerels .
21 ONLY three weeks into his term , South Africa 's President , FW de Klerk , took what may turn out to be a milestone decision and announced the unconditional release of all but one of the black activists jailed more than 20 years ago in the Rivonia treason trial .
22 THIS MAY or may not turn out to be the winter when serious numbers of British skiiers forsake the Alps for the Rockies .
23 We can only pray and hope it 'll turn out for the best . ’
24 You never know how they 'll turn out .
25 That may turn out to be the case as the likes of Ferrari , Williams-Renault and Benetton-Ford get into their stride later in the season , but on the streets of Phoenix , Senna had no trouble in scoring his 27th win .
26 Female involvement may have been at the fringes , though what took place in this ‘ marginal , area may turn out to have been more important than long-forgotten events on the field of play .
27 Of course it would turn out that the dead girl was merely someone Jerome Fanshawe had come across that weekend and who had taken his fancy .
28 And the fact that the height of the stars in medieval astronomy is very small compared with their distance in modern , will turn out not to have the kind of importance you anticipated …
29 The average business traveller , who does n't pay his own bills or make his own booking , will plump for that option in preference to a detour down a country lane or through suburbs in search of some unknown quantity which might turn out to be a gem .
30 ‘ If it should turn out to be true that God did intend males to exhibit strength in leadership roles and females to excel more as the guardians of society 's emotional resources , why should this be viewed ipso facto as an evil arrangement ? ’
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