Example sentences of "to set out " in BNC.

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1 There will be no attempt to define exactly what art criticism is , or to set out a theory of criticism , beyond the suggestions of some differences in writings on art which have already been made .
2 In the Critique of Pure Reason , Kant 's aim was to show how objective experience is possible , to set out the conditions necessary for this ; whilst Piaget 's aim was to show , given certain Kantian assumptions , how objective experience actually develops .
3 In a conference fringe speech which appeared to set out his own personal manifesto , the Leader of the Commons also echoed Mr Heseltine 's views on the need to take a more positive attitude to the European Community , and he called for a moderation of the Government 's confrontational style .
4 It 's a dangerous operation to set out on .
5 He continued to set out ideas on cultural issues in a piece on ‘ The War and the Blitz ’ also incorporated into the Notes .
6 ‘ I 'm helping to set out the stalls for the hospital bazaar — should be back about midday , ’ she called , as she let herself out of the house .
7 By July I was able to set out my proposals on personal pensions .
8 Furthermore , as some of you here know , the diocese of Bath and Wells set up a working party in 1986 to set out our own policy .
9 as if to demonstrate his terrible seriousness , he orders the people to set out the next day ‘ … for the wilderness by the way to the Reed Sea ’ .
10 You are about to set out on an interesting and formative experience , something that is likely to have a major impact on your life .
11 On his initial visit to the home of the bereaved he would feel that he had a very short ti me indeed to set out his wares and try and convince the family to buy the package .
12 Railway transition curves are usually related to the velocity cubed — a cubic curve is comparatively easy to set out with a theodolite .
13 Henry II had five sons who were suspicious and envious of each other , but three of them died before Henry died in the summer of 1189 , and all his possessions passed to Richard , who had pledged himself to set out for the Holy Land on the Third Crusade .
14 One of the polarisations which took place has centred on the question of whether management development should be focused on the provision of specific tools/skills for managers ( a competency model ? ) — or whether it would be more appropriate to set out along a more generic path which emphasised the attitudinal and interpersonal aspects of management .
15 We will expect Post Offices and Job Centres to set out standards of service and levels of achievement .
16 In the first chapter I attempt to set out some of the different forms of theism and atheism .
17 What I have tried to set out in the last few pages is an understanding of ‘ meaning theism ’ which embraces a rather larger area than Ayer allows for .
18 I shall begin , then , by trying to set out what it is that theists believe in and atheists do n't .
19 Produce pieces of writing in which there is a rudimentary attempt to present simple subject matter in a structured way , eg by means of a title and paragraphs or verses ; in which sentence punctuation ( capital letters , full stops , question marks and exclamation marks ) is generally accurately used ; and in which there is some evidence of an ability to set out and punctuate any direct speech in a way that makes meaning clear to the reader .
20 They should be shown how to set out and punctuate direct speech , using inverted commas and commas .
21 He was to set out with the three French patrols , drive the hundred-odd miles to the Gabes Gap and pass through it as quickly as possible to create confusion in the enemy rear areas .
22 In order to set out an appropriate treatment plan , the physiotherapist has to understand normal movement , and how brain damage interferes with it .
23 if we suppose a traveller to set out from Venice on March 1 , 1245 , the first day of the Venetian year , he would find himself in 1244 when he reached Florence ; and if after a short stay he went on to Pisa , the year 1246 would already have begun there .
24 As a legal device , it exists for a number of purposes which I have sought to set out .
25 The role of books such as this and instructors beyond a basic level is to set out clearly the aims for learning .
26 First up , Treleaven then hit an imperious five-iron pin-high to set out his stall .
27 In short , information items needed to set out what the relationship between bureaux and social fund officers should be with regard to giving money advice to clients .
28 Accordingly , this chapter aims to set out the requirements for a fully configured GIS interface , and profiles the development of a new GIS user interface system called UGIX .
29 For some years schemes have existed to encourage teachers to set out like Victorian missionaries to explore the strange and wild territory of industry and to convert its leaders to an acceptance of the virtues of education .
30 ‘ Flaming June ’ , people muttered bitterly amid the cascades of rain , and the thought of the poor men who must be waiting to set out across the choppy Channel in their small boats to fight a bloody battle on the other side made me feel cold and sick .
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