Example sentences of "carried [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Not forgetting the notes in the blue box , he wrote , number the slips perhaps or leave unnumbered , each slip to record date and place of purchase of one element of the glass , size and shape and substance before incorporation , brief history of its purchase , tube ticket , bus ticket , receipt , weather on day of purchase and weather on day of incorporation , temperature on day of purchase and temperature on day of incorporation , 1 tin peaches , bread , marmite ( small ) , remember laundry , one day like any other ( and Goldberg , pausing in his typing , picked up his pen and put a small question mark in the margin of his typescript and then carried on ) , now winter has come , but every night like every other , walking round the glass under the cold light , measuring the glass , preparing the glass .
2 He lift ed his picture , held it at arm 's length , considered it , replaced it on the table , rubbed out a couple of lines and carried on drawing .
3 The leading vehicles are Mk1 gangwayed full brake carried on B4 bogies and Mk2 corridor first .
4 Mk3A ( loco hauled ) tourist open second No M1 2004 carried on BT10 bogies .
5 The company which sold the Abbey brewery to Charrington 's was the London and Burton Brewery Co of Stepney , which carried on brewing in Stepney until its own takeover by Watney 's in 1929 .
6 Feeling somehow cheated , but also extremely relieved , we carried on along the trail …
7 This tirade , carried on vodka-laden breath , is a classic instance of Dostoevsky 's apocalyptic naturalism working on two levels at once .
8 His orders were obeyed by more than 450 competitors but about 30 — they were apparently reluctant to lose their position at the head of the race - steeplechased over the two closed barriers and carried on running .
9 Ferranti carried on with the contracts because it did not want to give the purported customers an excuse not to pay back the credit .
10 Taff carried on eating his large piece of lamb .
11 He turned to look at me as I approached , then carried on tending to the cows .
12 From here we carried on along a river and soon arrived at Sokol which has just one house — a traditional forester 's cabin with deer antlers above the front door .
13 The cowboy film carried on playing .
14 Freeman and slave , patrician and plebeian , lord and serf , guildmaster and journeyman , in a word oppressor and oppressed , stood in constant opposition to one another , carried on an uninterrupted , now hidden , now open fight , a fight that each time ended either in a revolutionary reconstruction of society at large , or in the common ruin of the contending classes . ’
15 We carried on and eventually devised a plan .
16 He just sort of glanced at the photos and then carried on talking .
17 When Mr Jackson went I just carried on lying there .
18 Where decay has advanced along the joist into the building interior , it may be necessary to splice on a new timber end to the member , carried on a joist-hanger .
19 The only differences between its layout and that of the ‘ classic ’ threshing barn were the inclusion of a hay loft , carried on brick pillars , to give an upper level at the south end and an attached cart-shed adjoining the west elevation , also at the south end .
20 The two main additional floors are largely carried on new masonry crosswalls which are , in turn , carried on their own new strip-footing foundations .
21 The nave arcading was borne on alternate octagonal and circular stone columns with foliated capitals and supported a timber roof carried on ‘ hammer beam ’ trusses .
22 With an effort of will he tried to stop it but it carried on trembling .
23 The machine was shipped to Orkney , still not in working order , while Ingrid carried on going to Yorkshire to process a big order from Paul Smith for a bold circles design on chalkstripe suiting .
24 Those small producers who were so intimidated by the problems of securing significant distribution that they simply carried on producing small , cheap pictures which , according to Hepworth , ‘ helped to build up and succour the very evil which was bringing about their downfall ’ , inevitably went under first .
25 I started using the technique at Wakefield and carried on ever since . ’
26 Dan Wagoner 's own new work , first staged in Plymouth in October , has a jokey title , Turtles All The Way Down , and has something to do with a Bertrand Russell lecture when it was suggested that the Earth is not round but carried on the back of a giant tortoise which stands on turtles all the way down .
27 But in a first hint that she may be prepared to modify her views , the Prime Minister will tell the President that , if the deployment of new short-range missiles in Germany becomes unrealistic , Britain is certainly prepared to consider the alternative of stand-off missiles carried on Tornados .
28 The Soviet plan would scrap all nuclear mines , torpedoes and depth charges , as well as cruise missiles and nuclear bombs and missiles carried on naval aircraft .
29 She then carried on ‘ as normal ’ , even buying dressings for her mother 's legs so her father would not know she had died , Mr Hall said .
30 In the first half of the seventeenth century the traditional Elizabethan style carried on , unabashed by fashion ; then again there was the purely classical Queen 's House at Greenwich , built by Inigo Jones , as radically different to the former as chalk is to cheese .
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