Example sentences of "to carry the " in BNC.

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1 A pub like the Nag 's Head in Bishops Stortford , by E B Musman in 1935 , is in the modernist style of the London Underground , with curved ends and flat roofs , yet its ethos is the same rather high-mindedness of the earlier neo-Georgian style , with a wooden post on the roadside to carry the signboard .
2 If anyone makes a mistake , it 's the senior person who has to carry the can . ’
3 For the abrupt , hasty manner of Pound 's criticism seems to some readers to carry the implication ( to which Pound in fact did not subscribe ) that no critic is worth listening to unless he has laboured at the maker 's workbench ; that all worthwhile criticism of stories comes from story-tellers , that only poets are worth listening to about poems .
4 Should you , for the screen , attempt to find some equivalent visual pastiche or try to carry the original concept through dialogue ?
5 Atlantis was to carry the Galileo space probe on the first leg of a six-year voyage to Jupiter this afternoon .
6 A genuine and pleasant surprise has been the development of Motherwell , previously forced to carry the banner of the most boring team in the League .
7 There was a shortfall in orders to carry the company into the 1990s — the famous ‘ black hole ’ — and it was vastly overmanned for the amount of work that was likely to come its way in the immediate future .
8 Rose laughed and there was a general scramble to carry the baggage into the house .
9 The spindle , projecting upwards from the centre of the bed stone , was at first fixed to carry the runner stone a little above the bed stone , but later the elevation of the spindle could be altered to allow regulation of the gap between the stones and so control the fineness of the meal .
10 At the foot of the post are horizontal beams and diagonal beams to carry the weight of the uprights .
11 They take ponies to carry the stags down the hill — nevertheless , it can be a long and exhausting day out .
12 TWO TURKS who sold kidneys for transplants in London were in so much pain when they were discharged that one had to carry the other out of the hospital , the General Medical Council 's disciplinary committee heard yesterday .
13 Mr Coskun Yenici , aged 28 , who sold his kidney for £3,000 to finance medical treatment for his father , had to carry the other donor , Mrs Hatice Anutkan , out of the Wellington Humana hospital after the surgery last November .
14 When Alexander the Great looted Persepolis in 330BC , he wisely enlisted 500 camels to carry the booty .
15 Somehow Mr Lee has to carry the old guard with him , not least because the mainlanders dominate the legislature as well as the National Assembly .
16 Co-housing might seem to carry the ideological baggage of communes from decades past .
17 In the Army someone has to carry the can .
18 Only I had to carry the can for it .
19 ‘ It seems unfair that a few farmers should have to carry the cost of the consequences of what is after all a national policy .
20 From then onwards , he knew himself commissioned to carry the way of Jesus beyond the particularity of Judaism to the Gentile world .
21 The greatest composer in the world , if he lacks an interpreter to suit him , is like a man prevented from speaking by a gag ; and this evening it was you who acted as the interpreter to untie the gag , the messenger to carry the good news .
22 There are suggestions that Rolls-Royce may be unable to fund the cost of the new model , due out in the next few years , and that Vickers will not be able to carry the burden much longer .
23 The Face magazine , which faces a libel payout to the actor and singer Jason Donovan , is criticised by the authority today for ignoring a warning not to carry the controversial advertisement for the clothing firm Benetton , showing an Aids sufferer .
24 This would have to carry the 3.0 m ewes which the Meat and Livestock Commission consider would be needed to provide the present contribution , 50% of national lamb production , from upland and hill ewes as well as the 800,000 or so cows receiving subsidy .
25 I have to carry the whole piece in my head . ’
26 Thus the teacher-in-role can decide from moment to moment whether to carry the burden of the pupils ' protection — ‘ My men ( a group of ‘ passive ’ children ) have this to say to you' is to be totally protective — or to remove that protection and hand over the power : ‘ My men have something to say to you … ! ’
27 There was to be great a embankment across the Welland Valley to carry the canal southwards well to the east of Barnes 's line but eventually joining the Grand Junction again very near to Long Buckby .
28 The bottom of the planes dipped into a cut which connected with the Harborough Arm , about 100 yards east from the Foxton Junction , and crossed by a bridge newly constructed to carry the road to Foxton .
29 The matter has received our closest and most careful consideration and although the details were worked on in 1886 for another canal in the Manchester district ( but not used ) they are all to all intents and purposes equally applicable to the Grand Union Canal , when that canal is improved , to be of the same working capacity as the Grand Junction Canal and to carry the same vessels .
30 It is thought that a sum of about £5,000 will be needed to carry the scheme through successfully and that a membership of 300 would be needed to maintain it on a sound basis .
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