Example sentences of "[adj] we look [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 To do this we look at the very small differences in energy levels of electrons in the atom that these nuclear properties produce .
2 To do this we look at the factors involved in communicative competence , the relationship between form and function , the language of different registers , discourse features and cultural appropriateness .
3 In Section 7.4 we look at the special case of inherently restrictive adjectives .
4 In Section 2.3 we look at the system of values , beliefs and understandings that are shared by members of the organisation , that is , its ‘ culture ’ .
5 In the former we look for the objectionable and unacceptable features in the book and use these as the basis of rejection , and in the latter we look for the meritorious and desirable features in the book and use these as the basis of selection .
6 It will be easier to understand the most important period of Coniston mining — the 19th C — if first of all we look at the way the men were employed and the techniques they used .
7 In the former we look for the objectionable and unacceptable features in the book and use these as the basis of rejection , and in the latter we look for the meritorious and desirable features in the book and use these as the basis of selection .
8 Next we look at the characteristics of the casual labour force , and we conclude by considering the relevance of their lack of coverage by the principal provisions of employment protection legislation .
9 In the next two sections , we shall draw attention to effects on interpretation and consider informally the basis of the distinction ; in 2.4 and 2.5 we look at the grammatical consequences , and in the remainder of the chapter consider why the distinction may sometimes be hard to appreciate and argue that it is nevertheless quite generally available for the attributive adjectival construction .
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