Example sentences of "[adj] than ever [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Northern Foods shares are lower than they should be , because the stock market has got it into its head that competition is tougher than ever in the food business .
2 The colour flooded her face , then receded , leaving her paler than ever beneath the surface tan .
3 She looked around for somewhere to sit , but the bed looked bigger than ever in the cramped room and his jacket lay discarded on the only chair .
4 In frightening contrast fitzAlan looked tough and completely immovable , and bigger than ever in the confined space of the alehouse .
5 But at least she did not squint and his cast seemed more noticeable than ever in the morning , as if sleeping refreshed it .
6 We are more conscious than ever of the need to take positive steps to promote the full access of girls and women not only to full educational opportunities but also to the whole range of community resources and services , including employment , leisure , housing , social security and the right to property .
7 Their second defeat in four days by a London club means that a quick return to the present Second Division is more likely than ever for the First Division 's bottom team .
8 He seemed larger than ever under the low ceiling , and when he strode out through the street door , the saloon bar seemed quite empty without him .
9 He thus revealed that he was out of touch with contemporary reality and that the complex dynamics of civilian society were more than ever beyond the grasp of his mechanistic , military mind .
10 As the 21st century approaches , solicitors are more than ever at the forefront of commercial and community life .
11 It was unshakable in its main bastion , Britain , and elsewhere the prospects of social revolution paradoxically seemed to depend more than ever on the prospect of the bourgeoisie , domestic or foreign , creating that triumphant capitalism which would make possible its own overthrow .
12 More than ever before the beer drinker and pubgoer needs a watchdog to protect their interests . ’
13 With her bouffant hair , her crimson lips , her plump raincoated figure hour-glassed by a tight belt , she looked more than ever like a matryoshka , a Russian doll .
14 She suddenly recollected that she was now the wife of the director of a large company , and drew herself up with what she hoped was some dignity ; but she only succeeded in looking more than ever like a pouter pigeon .
15 He looked more than ever like a baby blackbird , rakish , half-strangled and very dear to me .
16 In the half-light of the editing suite his face appeared more than ever like a mask , the nose attenuated , the skin smooth and polished .
17 Feeling more than ever like a cur , Neil turned the pages — but it was all of her that was left to him — and , he told himself firmly , he would read just enough to discover the truth about her … and why she had hoarded the cuttings .
18 Someone suggested she touch up her lipstick , but make-up only made her look more than ever like the Spitting Image puppet of Bette Midler .
19 Managers are more than ever in the public eye ; the scientific approach , in tactics , medical treatment , ground improvements , is commonplace ; floodlighting , numbered players , the ten-yard semi-circle are taken for granted .
20 Cut off more than ever from the society of my peers , I fell back on my mother .
21 Château Valois , when they reached it , looked more beautiful than ever amidst the fresh green of early summer leaves and dappled sunshine .
22 Bath was more beautiful than ever in the early summer .
23 Outside , the garden looked more beautiful than ever in the golden light of late afternoon .
24 On 1 December Cumberland moved some of his cavalry forward to Congleton , from which they withdrew after confirming the presence of Lord George Murray 's troops , but this intelligence left the Duke more undecided than ever about the Jacobites ' real objective , as his private secretary admitted in a letter , dated 2 December 1745 , to London :
25 The famous team at the Baking Stall were more successful than ever with the ‘ talent envelope scheme ’ whereby bakers were given £5 with the request that they ‘ Take , Buy , Bake and Multiply , ’ just as of old the man in the parable had bidden his servants .
26 Consciousness of all these pressures did not improve Michael Banks 's concentration and , together with fatigue , ensured that the lines were worse than ever on the Friday afternoon run .
27 Hove , however , came back more determined than ever in the second half .
28 It started him thinking harder than ever about the woman who he was certain had borne his own child .
29 Over the next days , the girls swam , took long walks , talked , and ate Cook 's meals which seemed more wonderful than ever after the school 's frugal fare .
30 The rack-mounting multi-effects processor 's main generic competitor is the self-contained floor-standing unit , and the choice of the latter is now wider than ever with the arrival of Korg 's A4 .
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