Example sentences of "[adj] as far as [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But smoking was obviously kosher as far as this old bat went .
2 Fish are unable to spawn as their breeding grounds are buried or destroyed by sand banks created by the dredgers , whose operations render water undrinkable as far as 60 km downstream .
3 Ability to provide a short-form report to stock exchange requirements ( ie unqualified as far as possible ) .
4 We in the north , and in the E E C in particular , have a policy of encouraging , or discouraging , Third World countries from from doing anything to the , the commodities at all , apart from exporting them raw as far as possible .
5 The New Moon in your opposite sign of Scorpio on the 29th should prove exciting and rather eventful as far as one involvement or partnership is concerned — and obviously 1989 is by no means over yet , not by a long chalk .
6 Twist your body to the left as far as possible , and then round to the right as far as possible .
7 So the ideal as far as federal government is concerned is they , they devise policy guidelines and they provide financial inducements to states to implement various programmes but when it comes down to it they run up against the rock of the constitution and the constitution says that the states derive their authority from this sacred document and they are not to be tampered with and the consequence is that America has , not only a federal government , but fifty state governments er and those state governments are large enterprises which enjoy wide initiative and they contributors , contribute to the divi diversity of the United States as a political system .
8 The report suggested that all the powers relevant to school government should be formally vested in the LEA , but that it should delegate these as far as possible to the governing body of each school , who should in turn allow as much discretion as possible to the head .
9 In water it forms aluminosilicates , which are inert as far as living organisms are concerned , so long as the level of acidity stays low — the silicon will make the aluminium separate out harmlessly .
10 Given that industrial democracy , defined as the ultimate right and duty of the men and women working in an industrial enterprise to call management to account for its performance , and , if that performance does not satisfy them , to replace management , is desirable in principle and as a means of making the efficient conduct of the enterprise their natural concern ; recognising that the rights of use attaching to ownership , whether in the private or public sector , are inalienable ; recognising the value in general of competition as a means of keeping production and provision sensitive to public needs and tastes , and as a means of relating the distribution of resources to them ; to consider ( i ) in what sort of industrial organisation would industrial democracy be feasible ; ( ii ) how far and in what circumstances would the adoption of such a form of organisation be feasible ; ( iii ) by what means should its adoption be promoted and how long would it take to establish it as a characteristic feature in the industrial scene ; ( iv ) what part should trade unions play in its promotion and adoption and what changes would that part require in their functions as they are commonly understood ; and ( v ) where in the case of a particular industry , or organisation , the general interest requires that accountability should be to the public at large , considered for example as consumers or users of goods produced or beneficiaries from services provided , what compensatory measures should be introduced so as to make good as far as possible the permanent denial to employees of a right which is in principle generally desirable ?
11 Lotus is also expected to streamline its Notes pricing , making it uniform across all systems , and comprehensible as far as multiple licences go .
12 Lotus is also expected to streamline its Notes pricing , making it uniform across platforms , and comprehensible as far as multiple licenses go .
13 Gradually the fever subsided and all the skin peeled from her body , but her limbs were very stiff and the doctor insisted that she should stay in bed , lying flat as far as possible .
14 Many of the farmers visited admitted that they were only standing still as far as capital improvement was concerned and every year saw an increase in the list of capital work to be done .
15 Well I do n't know because North Yorkshire 's pretty sort of erm er pretty rife as far as black magic is concerned .
16 There was a hint of a smile on his face anyhow when , ‘ I think , then , my dear , that as far as possible you 'd better keep your distance from me , ’ he stated .
17 Those three points are bound to be read as concessions to public opinion , given a series of weekend polls putting Labour as far as 11 points ahead of the Conservatives .
18 5 Performance measures should be quantifiable as far as possible ( the development of performance indicators ) .
19 Shuckskin ? — some foreign name — rather handsome , actually — that such things were possible as far as Japanese women were concerned .
20 Sometimes , in fact very often , combined operations with our Investigation Department were inconclusive as far as material results were concerned , but a picture would be built up , or a missing piece in a jig-saw puzzle would be provided .
21 Furthermore , the process may be unpredictable as far as individual yields are concerned because the movement in the prices of financial assets is subject to the variable and uncertain expectations of the market .
22 ‘ My dear girl , I may be moronic as far as modern music is concerned , but I have attended classical concerts in my time .
23 Although slated as a videodisc initiative , the early stages are keeping options open as far as possible and the project may ultimately be implemented using CD-ROMs or even CD-I discs .
24 If Nature had replaced God as the power that had created the human race , the message derived from the new world view was still the same as far as most people were concerned .
25 Any partial hypotheses which end at the same node are equivalent as far as further right context is concerned , and only the highest scoring need be kept .
26 ‘ Tolstikov was an unknown as far as last year 's race was concerned , yet he went off and won it , ’ said Brace , who has already been selected for the Barcelona Olympics .
27 Get them involved early because often people with on special needs are very special as far as social security agencies are concerned .
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