Example sentences of "[adj] pay the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The distortions which occur under a system of all but exclusively local authority house-building — the tendency to conform to the past rather than the future location of population ( with consequent immobilisation of labour ) , the wrong proportion of houses of different sizes , and the provision of more amenities than those for which tenants are prepared to pay the economic price — these will naturally correct themselves when private building is restored .
2 If you are prepared to pay the first £50 of all claims * yourself , you will be entitled to a premium discount which is normally one sixth of the new premium .
3 And , if you are prepared to pay the first £50 of any claim yourself , the basic rate is only £1.25 per £1,000 .
4 But , if you are prepared to pay the first £50 of any claim yourself , you will be entitled to a discount — normally 50p per £1,000 of insurance .
5 If you are prepared to pay the first £50 of all claims yourself , you will be entitled to a discount on your premium .
6 Although tenants were prepared to pay the higher rents demanded , they also had greater expectations of the building they were contracted to occupy .
7 Now it 's the oldest and hardest to find unless you are prepared to pay the ridiculous prices of independent fashion shops who 've searched the warehouses of middle America for anything that can be labelled ‘ old school ’ .
8 The Association was open to anyone resident in the island who was prepared to pay the annual subscription of one guinea .
9 They are prepared to pay the same amount of rent as you are at present receiving from it . ’
10 That Van Butchell was willing to pay the 100 guineas is interesting and suggests that there were no bounds to his eccentricities .
11 If you 're willing to pay the first £100 of any claim , your premium will fall by a further 10% .
12 FA CUP semi-final shoot-outs could be eliminated if clubs or the Football Association were willing to pay the extra police costs for staging replays at short notice , writes Christopher Davies .
13 We also wish to declare that we are willing to pay the ultimate price for achieving our independent state and that our Uprising , the Intifada will not stop until we have achieved this goal .
14 Himmelstein added that as a trade association , the AIC can not legally exclude anyone who seeks membership , and must accept all applicants willing to pay the annual dues of $75 .
15 The improvement has been tremendous , in fact I am more willing to pay the dreaded poll tax just to see this part of Darlington looking as nice .
16 As the value of the dinar sinks , the interest paid by the final borrowers in dinars becomes less and less adequate to pay the foreign exchange interest .
17 Visitors to the Crown Room in 1819 paid the princely sum of one shilling each — at least £7.50 at today 's prices — just for the privilege of viewing them .
18 I ate at the Corner House , very little , as it was not easy to pay the modest sum my landlady in Southwark , Mrs William Vitou , whose husband was a dental mechanic trained in Guy 's hospital , charged me , and eat a great deal apart from breakfast and a high tea .
19 As I have said , counsel for the defendants accepts that in the present case by promising to pay the extra £10,300 the defendants secured benefits .
20 The French minister of industry , Dominique Strauss-Kahn , Thursday announced that the French government has paid SGS-Thomson Microelectronics NV the first part of the $466m in research and development aid it agreed to pay over five years — the Italian government is supposed to pay the same amount over the same period : ‘ I have signed with SGS-Thomson a contract for a multi-year development effort in France ; the sums for 1993 , $83m from both sides , have been paid , ’ he said ; a spokeswoman for SGS-Thomson in Paris said she had not yet been able to confirm Strauss-Kahn 's assertion ; the separate recapitalisation , which Brussels recently approved , is still conditional on a firm decision being taken on the Italian side , and would be effected in three payments — $227m split evenly between the two partners and an identical payment three months later ; the third payment of $455m is set to be made in 1995 .
21 After all , we all pay the same Community Charge .
22 After all , we all pay the same Community Charge .
23 So the 46% of houses in Barnet that the government reckons will be in the top band will all pay the same amount , irrespective of their value .
24 However , from a legal point of view , it is often better to pay the old debt and create a new one ( see below ) .
25 Since much of the damage occurs in Swedish lakes and German forests , UK voters are unwilling to pay the extra cost .
26 Some employers are unwilling to pay the whole settlement sum ‘ upfront ’ .
27 During the year , Clerkenwell Ltd paid the following dividends :
28 He petitioned the Chief Justice of the Forest to ‘ remit his fine and order his enlargement ’ on the ground that he was ‘ a very poor man with many children … and is altogether unable to pay the said fine . ’
29 Unable to pay the ten shillings fine placed against him — a trifling sum , of course , compared with that paid out by the Cremorne merry-makers after their destructive binge — Alfred Berry was sentenced to seven days in the House of Correction .
30 In 1966 rate rebates were introduced for those householders unable to pay the full amount and by 1977/8 rebates went to 15 per cent of all households in England and Wales .
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