Example sentences of "[adj] [is] probably [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This is probably a reflection partly of larger peasant populations in the South , but also of religious and cultural differences .
2 Since Philip Leapor 's sister had died in childhood , this is probably a sister of the poet 's mother , suggesting that the Sharman family was also literate .
3 It seems sure to be close and this is probably a race best watched but if forced to pass judgement , a narrow vote is advised for Katabatic .
4 Less than this is probably a self limiting viral throat .
5 This is probably a function of a higher proportion of guilty pleas being put forward when the victims are younger : something akin to plea bargaining is almost certainly taking place .
6 Sometimes you have the same person and you have lots of different scores for them and you see whether they 're correlated but most o more often than not what we 're talking about is a number of people and to see whether the pairs of scores in some way are related Now this is probably a bit more important .
7 er this is probably a job for the panel on worship .
8 This is probably a result of inadequate treatment and is more common in those who have been treated late on in the infectious stage .
9 Forty-one per cent of the known opioid users were also known to have taken other types of drug , although this is probably an underestimate since some agencies do not routinely record or receive information about all drugs used by people on their files .
10 In all a total of 45 women are recorded as having re-applied for union membership between 1919 and 1934 ( 20 of them in the first two years , 1919 and 1920 ) and this is probably an underestimate .
11 This is probably the server .
12 But although this is probably the way the young man would have spoken , the line seems to express a certain naivety in his character .
13 This is probably the case since children do things the way that feels natural to them without worrying unduly how it is meant to be done .
14 In all areas where evidence of sites can be found , the pattern is clear and dense , suggesting , in fact , that this is probably the case over the whole area .
15 Yes , I think this is probably the idea behind the thinking , really .
16 The input hypothesis This is probably the core of the whole theory .
17 this is probably the test of the next hundred days .
18 This is probably the fist example of creatures regulating their body heat .
19 If you want to broaden your horizons , do some good for your colleagues , learn lots of new skills relating to meetings , negotiating , etc , this is probably the job for you .
20 IF you are a career Virgo , this is probably the area that will see the most interesting developments .
21 This is probably the area in which most work has been done .
22 If you and your horse are good all-rounders , this is probably the discipline for you .
23 The latter currently figure larger in early Anglo-Saxon studies although , ironically , this is probably the result of the traditional isolation of the subject from other branches of archaeology .
24 This is probably the result of both the lower volume of distribution and the lower first-pass gastric metabolism of alcohol in women compared with men .
25 This is probably the reason why the cost of the interest payments on foreign exchange deposits has now been accepted by the National Bank .
26 This is probably the reason that the molecule forms two new bonds when it reacts with a hydrocarbon , one with carbon and one with hydrogen .
27 This is probably the reason for its universal acceptance as something to be cherished , and for its survival despite all religious disapproval which from time to time has endeavoured to denigrate it , as did for example , some of the teachings of Puritanism .
28 It is certain that bees are very responsive to different tones of the human voice , and this is probably the reason for the country belief that bees are peace-loving beings and will not stay with a quarrelsome family .
29 In short , I think we are in the realm of ideology here , and the rise of the ‘ small schools movement ’ during the 1970s is probably a reflection of the general resurgence of pastoralism ln popular thought over the past decade .
30 Being married is probably a hindrance . ’
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