Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] themselves [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 While being called matapang is taken as a compliment among Tagalog-speaking lowlanders , it describes fierce or dangerous men , ready to fight without regard to personal danger , rather than those willing to risk themselves for others .
2 In other words they usually , ‘ dance classically from their feet to the waist and above that are free to express themselves as people of more definite behaviour , work , play and age ’ ( de Valois in a lecture to teachers , 1947 ) .
3 What is quite clear is that after the death of Lanfranc the English monks felt free to assert themselves in ways that would have been impossible while Lanfranc lived .
4 His rule had managed to alienate most of the traditional elites in both town and countryside , and few people were prepared to stir themselves on James 's behalf when the crisis came .
5 Western practitioners who find the idea of putting a price on a kidney unethically distasteful might bear in mind that their fellow citizens are free to damage themselves for profit in other ways , and with medical approval .
6 One difference was that working-class women were more likely to describe themselves as housewives and to give ‘ domestic ’ responses generally .
7 J. G. Frazer in his monumental work on folklore in the Old Testament maintained that the belief that the gods revealed themselves and declared their will to mankind in dreams was widespread in antiquity ; and accordingly people resorted to temples and other sacred spots for the purpose of sleeping there and holding converse with the higher powers in visions of the night , for they naturally supposed that the deities or the deified spirits of the dead would be most likely to manifest themselves in places specially dedicated to their worship .
8 In the nicest possible way , homesitters are supposed to make themselves at home , watering the plants , unblocking drains and deterring burglars .
9 In Western Europe , unlike the US , physical distance , ignorance and the legacy of the war produced a strong reluctance on the part of many to interest themselves in Japan until forced to acknowledge her economic importance .
10 Cambridge liked undergraduates reading theology to have two years over the work and believed that if they tried to do it in fourteen months they would do it superficially , or else they would be sure to hurt themselves by overwork .
11 This led Asquith to fix a pensionable age of seventy , despite the mass of evidence that must people who survived to old age ceased to be able to support themselves by work in their mid-sixties — sixty-five was the age adopted by most occupational and charitable pension schemes .
12 Since their premises are not open to the public , and they do not engage in retail trade , they are able to establish themselves in locations where overheads are cheaper .
13 One of these was that of the ‘ lads ’ who were much like Willis ' ‘ lads ’ , in the sense that they were concerned to express themselves through symbols of adult masculinity and debunked most forms of authority and ‘ respectable ’ living .
14 They prevent most of the underclass from being able to free themselves from welfare dependency .
15 While militarily strong and able to protect themselves from threat both from without and within Egypt , the mamluks were inefficient rulers , and , though they left some magnificent architecture , by the later thirteenth century there was a series of revolts , plagues and famines .
16 Exceptions to this are people who are mentally or physically disabled or those who are developmentally immature and are therefore unaware of dangers to themselves or are unable to protect themselves from hazards .
17 Similarly , unemployed people who can show they have used their time constructively , in study or voluntary work for example , will be able to match themselves to jobs demanding the qualities this demonstrates — initiative , hard work , flexibility , reliability , etc. — and possibly pick up some useful skills and experience at the same time .
18 Continentals — and by and large the Celts , as you will no doubt agree — are as a rule unable to control themselves in moments of strong emotion , and are thus unable to maintain a professional demeanour other than in the least challenging of situations .
19 there are some … that travell with me in the same birth ; yet are not able to bring forth their conceptions , for so much as many times , the Truth suffers by a weake delivery ; and for their sakes have I held this Glasse before them , that so they may be the better able to describe themselves to others ; and to help them to bring forth that out of their mouths , which perhaps may lye in the bottome of their hearts .
20 As Palmerston put it in the mid-19th century , ministers , especially the Prime Minister , must be able to defend themselves in Parliament daily , ‘ and in order to do this they must be minutely acquainted with all the details of the business of their offices , and the only way of being constantly armed with such information is to conduct and direct those details themselves ’ .
21 Play can increase the extent to which people feel able to involve themselves with others and extend the parts of their personalities they can use .
22 It follows , and I hold , that the banks are unable to bring themselves within article 5(8) .
23 He said a number of large economies found it difficult to commit themselves to targets which had not been properly explored and before the International Panel on Climate Change reports scientific evidence next year .
24 One fight reported from Newton Heath in 1890 involved a pitched battle in Holland Street of between 500 and 600 youths , and shopkeepers were obliged to barricade themselves behind shutters to prevent damage and looting when a ‘ Scuttle ’ was announced .
25 The new deviance writers were naturally anxious to disengage themselves from association with such conservative goals .
26 Their reputation is growing with each new victory , and it seems everyone is keen to test themselves at Lansdowne Road , where the Irish have been invincible throughout Charlton 's three-year managership .
27 JACK CHARLTON 'S Republic of Ireland last night were warned by the Spanish to prepare themselves for World Cup war tonight .
28 ‘ Women of middle class origins who found themselves at the beginning of their working lives unequipped to promote themselves within occupations which traditionally demanded either precise qualifications or highly developed aptitude ’ .
29 Sociobiologists are liable to find themselves in confrontation with the cultural and social anthropologists because they are specially concerned with interactions ( especially mating behaviour ) between individual animals which are closely related biologically .
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