Example sentences of "[adj] [pers pn] [be] argued that " in BNC.

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1 In Chapter 2 it was argued that some of the most striking features of the post-war development of the British state , at least until the late 1970s , could be explained quite effectively in terms of ‘ corporate bias ’ , that is moves away from the formal structures of democratic ( electoral ) representation towards the representation of major corporate interest groups ( such as the trade unions and employers ' organizations ) , as mediated through the agency of the state itself .
2 In Chapter 7 it was argued that , for index futures , the expected value of the spot price at delivery will exceed the current futures price , that is , there will be a risk premium .
3 In Mustard v Morris , a decision of the Court of Appeal on 21 July 1981 it was argued that the award of damages for loss of amenities to a man who was already quite seriously disabled should be less than that to a previously fit person who had suffered equivalent injuries .
4 In Chapter 3 it was argued that pre-colonial society was indeed authoritarian , and that this expressed itself in a great stress on the conformity of the individual , and on a hierarchy of relationships between young and old , between chiefs and people and between men and women .
5 In the Holland Report in 1977 it was argued that young people were no longer employed because they did not fit employers ' needs .
6 First it is argued that where a state is relatively just one ought to support and maintain it .
7 First it is argued that the privilege granted to companies of limited liability violates the Christian concept of personal responsibility for one 's actions .
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