Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] at [art] beginning " in BNC.

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1 Scientists have discovered that the tons of dust which fall into the ocean provide vital minerals ( particularly iron ) to plankton and krill , shrimp-like animals at the beginning of the food chain .
2 Managers buy stock-index futures at the beginning of a day 's trading , which tends to raise the price of the underlying shares .
3 So that few minutes at the end is important for picking up these extra marks you 've been trying to throw away , okay , where you can do it , and the few minutes at the beginning is to look through and find that question wherever it was , that one on the last page .
4 What you must do , however , is to write down your weekly goals at the beginning of each week .
5 That training ( and the service that should have started with the Class 317 units at the beginning of the 1982 timetable ) was stopped by an industrial dispute about bonus payments for driver-only operation .
6 Here the engineers have to carry out most of their work on Sundays when traffic is light , but this often entails diversions and extended journey times followed by temporary speed restrictions for a few further days at the beginning of each week .
7 The second part starts at the beginning of Term 5 , before the first teaching practice ; it continues for four further weeks at the beginning of term 6 in the same teaching practice school .
8 For a few days at the beginning of August 1920 , it was widely believed that the Government was preparing to send a new British Expeditionary Force to relieve the Polish Army .
9 The historian , Robert Currie , has justly described it as the ‘ architectural monument to Methodist ambitions at the beginning of the twentieth century ’ .
10 It is a good technique to allow a few seconds at the beginning of a shot before the pan movement actually starts to allow the audience time to take in the scene .
11 Naturally we lose some points at the beginning and end ( four in this case ) but this may not be of great importance in a long series .
12 Nicky has no illusions about organic farming : ‘ We made a few mistakes at the beginning .
13 Warwickshire were not , as he admits , among the strongest counties at the beginning of his career .
14 He should probably be among the Top Sellers at the beginning of this article .
15 Chairman Graeme Dutton Forshaw said properties leased from Allied Breweries at the beginning of the year helped towards an increase in turnover and volume of about 14pc but he warned : ‘ Underlying trading conditions remain difficult and encouraging trends noted in earlier months look unlikely to be repeated in the rest of the year . ’
16 Moscato fought in an amateur bout in Amiens which he won in controversial circumstances at the beginning of April .
17 In addition to 10 minutes at the beginning for reading the paper there must be at least 20 minutes left at the end for a revision of your work .
18 Services commenced at the remaining schools at the beginning of January .
19 Havelock Wilson records the tactics of both sides in Liverpool in June and July 1889 : " I saw some of the principal owners at the beginning and endeavoured to have all questions settled on conciliatory lines .
20 construct the agenda with care , put easy items at the beginning , difficult items in the middle , and finish off with non controversial issues so that people leave the meeting on an ‘ up ’ note
21 Ten people lived on ordinary wards at the beginning of the study , and eight lived in special units reserved for those with the most challenging behaviour .
22 While it is unremarkable to observe that although some people eat three meals a day , and others miss out breakfast and lunch altogether , taking all their food in the evenings , there is no such parallel during sleep — no normal person has been found who , for instance , takes all his or her REM sleep in one session of ninety minutes at the beginning of the night , or saves it all up for a session in the early hours of the morning .
23 Bonar Law , backed by fewer MPs than any of the other three contenders at the beginning of the week was now to be the unanimous choice .
24 Erm , and it 's been quickly Christianized with just two little lectures at the beginning of two chapters to Christianize so it was popped in for new testament and it 's the nearest we can get to teaching .
25 Wester Hailes Education Centre , also in Edinburgh , was visited by 20 Subject Assessors over three days at the beginning of February this year .
26 I had erm I was going to be representative of this committee at a erm safety seminar for three days at the beginning of this week that I was n't able to go to , and Councillor Kurtz has very kindly gone in my place , which is why she is not able to come to this meeting .
27 The descent of property can sometimes be traced over several generations through the archives of the Court Baron , while individual names can be picked out from the lists of freeholders and customary tenants at the beginning of each meeting of the Court Leet .
28 I mean , in essence it 's the small committees at the end of the day which actually find the target and the larger committees at the beginning of the list which do n't find them .
29 There are cross-references to the basic recipes at the beginning of the book where appropriate .
30 There are cross-references to the basic recipes at the beginning of the book for the cake bases ( whether sponge or fruit ) .
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